Trumpism Part Three









“In With The New” by Harry Bliss




January 2, 2021


A photo op, World War III, and bleach injections:

The wildest politcal moments in the US in 2020


So much has happened in 2020 that people

often forget Donald Trump was impeached.



By Griffin Connolly and John T. Bennet


The final year of the Trump administration has been full of tumult — from the third presidential impeachment in US history, to the president’s combative response to a reinvigorated racial justice movement, to his governing and personal trials with the coronavirus pandemic.


Few Americans who survived 2020 will forget the names George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, whose deaths from encounters with police reignited the conversation surrounding law enforcement and the treatment of Black Americans in this country. Millions will remember the more than 330,000 spouses, parents, children, siblings, and friends who died from the coronavirus pandemic.


These historic events unfolded in the middle of a presidential election year with a White House incumbent, Donald Trump, whose flair for the dramatic produced some of the most iconically absurd moments this country has witnessed.




January 2021


The Gate of Heaven Is Everywhere


Among the



By Fred Bahnson



All happy religious families are alike; each unhappy religious family is unhappy in its own way.


The family of American Christianity has been unhappy for quite some time, so much so that it’s hard for many of us to imagine that it could be otherwise. The past four years have brought these feuds into the open. For Catholics, there is the glaring pedophilia scandal. For evangelicals, there is disagreement over church leaders’ alliance with power, their unwavering fealty, since 2016, to the crotch-grabbing Caligula of Mar-a-Lago, whose every abuse of office made them double down on their support.


For mainline Protestants like me, the discontent has been less visible. Denominational squabbles over human sexuality have made headlines, but across every denomination a certain lassitude pervades, a general lukewarmness that makes it feel as though Protestantism has run its course. When the five hundredth anniversary of the Reformation rolled around in 2017, a few academics published monographs on Luther, and a commemorative study Bible appeared, but with church membership declining in every mainline denomination, Protestant circles shrugged. We knew there wasn’t much to crow about. What was it, exactly, we were still protesting?



The Washington Post

January 3, 2021


All 10 living former defense secretaries:

Involving the military in election disputes

would cross into dangerous territory


Ashton Carter, Dick Cheney, William Cohen, Mark Esper, Robert Gates, Chuck Hagel, James Mattis, Leon Panetta, William Perry and Donald Rumsfeld are the 10 living former U.S. secretaries of defense.


As former secretaries of defense, we hold a common view of the solemn obligations of the U.S. armed forces and the Defense Department. Each of us swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. We did not swear it to an individual or a party.


American elections and the peaceful transfers of power that result are hallmarks of our democracy. With one singular and tragic exception that cost the lives of more Americans than all of our other wars combined, the United States has had an unbroken record of such transitions since 1789, including in times of partisan strife, war, epidemics and economic depression. This year should be no exception.


Our elections have occurred. Recounts and audits have been conducted. Appropriate challenges have been addressed by the courts. Governors have certified the results. And the electoral college has voted. The time for questioning the results has passed; the time for the formal counting of the electoral college votes, as prescribed in the Constitution and statute, has arrived.


As senior Defense Department leaders have noted, “there’s no role for the U.S. military in determining the outcome of a U.S. election.” Efforts to involve the U.S. armed forces in resolving election disputes would take us into dangerous, unlawful and unconstitutional territory. Civilian and military officials who direct or carry out such measures would be accountable, including potentially facing criminal penalties, for the grave consequences of their actions on our republic.


Transitions, which all of us have experienced, are a crucial part of the successful transfer of power. They often occur at times of international uncertainty about U.S. national security policy and posture. They can be a moment when the nation is vulnerable to actions by adversaries seeking to take advantage of the situation.


Given these factors, particularly at a time when U.S. forces are engaged in active operations around the world, it is all the more imperative that the transition at the Defense Department be carried out fully, cooperatively and transparently. Acting defense secretary Christopher C. Miller and his subordinates — political appointees, officers and civil servants — are each bound by oath, law and precedent to facilitate the entry into office of the incoming administration, and to do so wholeheartedly. They must also refrain from any political actions that undermine the results of the election or hinder the success of the new team.


We call upon them, in the strongest terms, to do as so many generations of Americans have done before them. This final action is in keeping with the highest traditions and professionalism of the U.S. armed forces, and the history of democratic transition in our great country.




January 4, 2021


Nation’s capital braces for violence as extremist groups converge to protest Trump’s election loss


By Will Carless


Protests planned for Washington, D.C., this week are likely to attract large numbers of President Donald Trump’s supporters, including conspiracy theorists, militia groups and members of the extremist group the Proud Boys, raising concerns of violent confrontations.


The rallies are planned to coincide with the official congressional vote to certify the Electoral College votes from the November presidential election and declare President-elect Joe Biden the winner. Far-right groups from around the country have vowed to descend on the capital to protest the vote and attempt to pressure lawmakers into voting against certifying the results, an outcome that even the leaders of the effort admit is extraordinarily unlikely to happen.


Trump himself has amplified conspiracy theories about the election and encouraged his supporters to show up at the protests. “Statistically impossible to have lost the 2020 Election. Big protest in D.C. on January 6th. Be there, will be wild!” he tweeted on December 18. On Sunday, the president again promoted the protests, writing on Twitter, “I will be there. Historic day!”



PBS NewsHour

 January 5, 2021


Former defense secretary

urges top brass to resign or

resist questionable Trump orders


All 10 living former secretaries of defense signed a column published in The Washington Post on Sunday that urged the Trump administration to allow a peaceful transition of power and to keep the Pentagon out of it. One of the signatories was William Cohen, a former Republican senator who served as secretary of defense under President Bill Clinton. He joins Judy Woodruff to discuss.



ABC News

January 7, 2021


World leaders react to siege on the Capitol


International headlines offered reactions to the thousands of Trump supporters storming the Capitol building.




January 8, 2021


Extremists intensify calls for violence ahead of

Inauguration Day





“Trump or war. Today. That simple.”



Rick Steves’ Europe

April 15, 2021


Germany’s Fascist Story


Rick Steves’ Europe Travel Guide © 2020 | Traveling across Germany, we learn how fascism rose and then fell, taking millions of people with it. Visiting actual locations — from Munich to Nürnberg to Berlin — we trace the roots of Nazism in the aftermath of World War I, when masses of angry people were enchanted by Hitler. We explore the totalitarian society Hitler built, and see the consequences: genocide and total war. Learning from Germany’s fascist story, we can recognize that hateful ideology as well as the tricks of wannabe dictators in our own age.



The New Republic

May 5, 2021


Our Friend, the Trump Propagandist


We knew David Horowitz when he was a radical leftist. Then he became a conservative. Then he joined the MAGA cult.


By Ronald Roddosh and Sol Stern


According to our old friend David Horowitz—the radical leftist turned thoughtful conservative turned Trump propagandist whom we’ve been acquainted with, in his various political guises, for more than 60 years—America is on the brink of destruction by way of a communist takeover that only the patriots of the MAGA movement can prevent. That’s the main message in Horowitz’s new book, The Enemy Within: How a Totalitarian Movement Is Destroying America. On the book’s cover are portraits of the seven Democrats allegedly plotting the revolution: Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Kamala Harris, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Ilhan Omar.


This third book Horowitz has published about Trump since 2017, The Enemy Within, is even more of a jihad against liberals and progressives than his previous two (both bestsellers). Horowitz’s justification for writing yet another Trumpist screed is that, in the aftermath of the Democrats stealing the 2020 election, an event he describes (in lip sync with the former president) as “the greatest political crime in the history of the country,” the “totalitarian” threat the party poses is now imminent.


The book begins with a lamentation: “Americans are more divided today than at any time since the Civil War.” The trouble is that almost everything Horowitz has recently written has been calculated to fan the flames of division. Yet he can’t make up his mind whether the tyranny the Democrats are about to install would be more like twentieth-century communism or fascism. He asserts, for example, that the diversity training programs favored by Democrats are akin to the surveillance system of “people’s commissars” created by the Bolsheviks. In practically the same breath, he announces that the Biden administration “has clearly defined itself and its party as a fascist vanguard.”



[Our Friend, the Trump Propagandist pdf ]



Jimmy Kimmel Live

June 25, 2021


Michael Cohen on Dumbest Lie Trump Ever Told, 

Matt Gaetz Coming After Him & Donald Going to Jail


Former Donald Trump attorney Michael Cohen talks about Trump wanting Jimmy investigated for making fun of him, Rudy Giuliani losing his law license, all of the terrible people in Team Trump, Donald calling him and telling him everything was going to be OK, the dumbest lie he ever heard Trump tell, Matt Gaetz coming after him, and the possibility of Trump going to jail.




July 12, 2021


Carl Sagan Predicted The Mess 2021

Would Be 25 Years Ago


Astrophysicist and author Carl Sagan managed to predict a lot of things and challenges America faces in the year 2021 all the way back in 1995 when he was writing a book, The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark, published just before his death in 1996. MSNBC’s Brian Williams shares the details.



The New Republic

August 12, 2021


Donald’s Plot Against America


Now, he and his GOP enablers are peddling the Second Big Lie: That January 6 was just legitimate protest. It’s the crucial ingredient in convincing America to return them—and him—to power.


By Mary L. Trump


I felt as though I had stumbled across a crime scene so violent that I couldn’t process it, let alone synthesize the images in front of me. The parts remained stubbornly separate, and there was no way to grasp the meaning of the whole.


In the early afternoon of January 6, while the mob was still swarming the stairs of the Captial, I was asked in an interview what I thought of the unfolding situation. I watched the crowd that had been stoked that morning by my uncle, and by Republicans like Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, and Mo Brooks, with their Confederate flags, their MAGA hats, and their Camp Auschwitz shirts; I watched the smoke (the origin of which I couldn’t yet discern) drift through the air, and I heard shouts of grievance and anger. It looked like a scene from a failed country whose government had just been toppled, a banana republic; but it was the United States of America, my country, our country, and knowing who was responsible for the chaos here, the first word that came to my mind was “tawdry.”



[ Donald’s Plot Against America pdf ]



The Daily Show

August 22, 2021


Jordan Klepper Fingers The Pulse

Into The MAGAverse: Full Special


Jordan Klepper revisits his surreal year on the 2020 campaign trail, remembering the best moments, sharing never-before-seen footage and conducting all-new interviews with the people he met along the way.



ABC News In-depth

August 23, 2021


Donald Trump and the rise of Fox News | Four Corners


How Rupert Murdoch’s Fox News promoted Donald Trump’s propaganda and helped destabilise democracy in the United States: the first of our two-part special.




October 19, 2021


Trump’s Showdown


In this two-hour documentary, FRONTLINE goes inside President Trump’s fight against the investigation of his campaign and traces the dramatic events that led the White House and the nation to the brink of a Constitutional crisis. (Aired 2018)



The Washington Post

October 31, 2021




As Trump propelled his supporters to

Washington, law enforcement agencies failed

to heed mounting warnings about violence on Jan. 6.


The head of intelligence at D.C.’s homeland security office was growing desperate. For days, Donell Harvin and his team had spotted increasing signs that supporters of President Donald Trump were planning violence when Congress met to formalize the electoral college vote, but federal law enforcement agencies did not seem to share his sense of urgency. On Saturday, Jan. 2, he picked up the phone and called his counterpart in San Francisco, waking Mike Sena before dawn.


Sena listened with alarm. The Northern California intelligence office he commanded had also been inundated with political threats flagged by social media companies, several involving plans to disrupt the joint session or hurt lawmakers on Jan. 6.



In Human Form – Psychology

January 16, 2022


American Anti-Intellectualism


America has a long history of anti-intellectualism. This analysis looks at the social psychology behind why Americans believe anti-intellectual information spread by powerful people like former President Donald Trump, PragerU, and oil companies.




April 30, 2022


Trump’s latest hate rally: A master class

in cult mind control


By Chauncy Devega, Salon – Commentary


Donald Trump’s political circus and freak show is continuing its American tour. Everywhere it stops, Donald Trump unleashes a torrent of lies, hatred, ignorance, bigotry, racism, narcissism, authoritarianism, threats of violence and other antisocial and evil values.


Trump’s political rallies resemble George Orwell’s “two minutes of hate” from 1984, expanded to two hours or so.




World History Documentaries

May 21, 2022


The Seedy Underbelly Of The American Presidency


This doc probes the presidential campaigns that have changed America through the eyes of former campaigners, journalists and researchers. Find out how financing, crime and corruption, and TV debates play a major role in swaying political opinion on the way to the White House.




June 21, 2022


Watch Brad Raffensperger explain why

Trump lost Georgia


In testimony before the House select committee investigating January 6, Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger explains why President Trump lost the state’s 16 electoral votes in the 2020 election.



Amanpour & Co.

July 12, 2022


‘Why We Did It’: Former RNC Spokesman

on GOP’s Descent Into Trumpism


As more is revealed about the inner workings of Trump’s White House, our next guest lifts the lid on the moral divisions within the Republican Party. In his new book, Why We Did It: A Travelogue from the Republican Road to Hell, Tim Miller details his involvement with the GOP and how political staffers were able to justify the new brand of politics, as he explains to Walter Isaacson.




August 20, 2022


Donald Trump and Mike Pompeo spoke at a

‘Moonies’-affiliated event, despite Japan controversy


By Alia Shoaib


The Unification Church, formed in South Korea in the 1950s by self-declared messiah Sun Myung Moon, is known to have deep-rooted ties with conservative politicians worldwide. Its followers are often colloquially referred to as “Moonies.”


Former CIA director and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich spoke in person at a conference affiliated with the church in Seoul on August 12 to coincide with the 10th anniversary of the death of Sun Myung Moon.


Pompeo and Gingrich’s speeches spoke about the value of religious freedom and the dangers of communism – a view they share with the church.


The controversial religious organization – formally known as the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification – has been in the spotlight following the assassination of former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.


The assassin told police that he was motivated by anger towards Abe and his links to the church. It is widely described as a cult by former members.


Former President Donald Trump recorded a video message played during the meeting, per Japanese outlet NTV News 24. During his speech, Trump said that Abe was a “good friend and a great man” and praised Reverend Moon’s widow Hak Ja Han, who now heads up the church.


Other billed speakers included former Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper and former US ambassadors and generals.


According to Dr. Steven Hassan, an expert on cults and a former Moonie, the ties between right-wing politicians and the church are due to a shared hatred of communism and the group’s vast wealth and influence.


The Moon empire has been estimated to be worth billions of dollars and includes ownership of the conservative newspaper The Washington Times.


“It doesn’t shock me that Pompeo, the former head of the CIA and the State Department, spoke for them. I’m sure he got a lot of money. I’m sure Trump got a lot of money,” Hassan told Insider, speculating about their speaker’s fees. “I’m sure they don’t believe Moon was the Messiah.”





September 6, 2022




FRONTLINE’s season premiere investigates American political leaders and choices they’ve made that have undermined and threatened democracy in the U.S.


In a two-hour documentary special premiering ahead of the 2022 midterms, FRONTLINE examines how officials fed the public lies about the 2020 presidential election and embraced rhetoric that led to political violence.



Mother Jones

September – October 2022 Issue


The Psychiatrist Who Warned Us

That Donald Trump Would Unleash

Violence Was Absolutely Right


The vindication of Bandy Lee.


By Joshua Kendall


On the afternoon of February 1, 2016, as Iowa voters prepared for that evening’s caucuses, Bandy Lee sat by the bedside of her mother, who was terminally ill with cancer. An assistant professor of clinical psychiatry at Yale, Lee had been too preoccupied with her mother’s condition to pay attention to the nascent presidential race, so she was taken aback when she saw footage of a Donald Trump rally airing on the hospital room’s small TV. What shocked her was the way Trump interacted with the crowd. “He said something about how his supporters should knock the crap out of hecklers,” she recalls, “and that if they did, he would pay their legal bills.”


His belligerent behavior meant more to Lee than it might to a casual viewer. As part of her clinical work in prison settings, she had evaluated and treated hundreds of violent offenders, including leaders of prison gangs. A native New Yorker, she had assumed that Trump “was just a shady businessman,” Lee told me, but “I suddenly realized that he had a lot in common” with those patients. “Trump was engaging in the predatory manipulation of his vulnerable followers.” In some cases, gang leaders might “ask their members to engage in violence and then issue bogus promises of protection. Like Trump, these leaders also often project extreme self-confidence, and that appeals to their followers, who tend to feel a deep emotional need for protection, connection, and identity.”


Fast forward to November 9, 2016, the day after the election. Lee’s friends and colleagues were bombarding her with calls and emails. Would Trump’s victory herald an increase in hate crimes? “You are a violence expert,” one implored. “Can you do something?”



Amanpour & Co.

September 23, 2022


Andy Borowitz: How American Politicians Got

Dumber and Dumber


As the world struggles with war, inflation and climate change, political leadership is needed now more than ever. Humorist Andy Borowitz believes good leadership is increasingly hard to find these days. His new book, Profiles in Ignorance: How America’s Politicians Got Dumber and Dumber, looks at America’s embrace of anti-intellectualism. He joins Walter Isaacson to talk about the danger this trend poses to our democracy.




Amanpour & Co.

November 1, 2022


How Civil Wars Start: The Pelosi Attack 

and the Rise of Extremism in the U.S.


Democracy in America is balanced on a knife edge, says political scientist Barbara F. Walter, but it may not be too late to rescue it. Walter is the author of How Civil Wars Start and she speaks with Hari Sreenivasan about how America can prevent another one from starting.



The Daily Show with Trevor Noah

November 17, 2022


Barack Obama – Protecting Democracy

and the Commitment to Facts


“Democracy requires, by definition, getting along with people who don’t agree with you.” Former President Barack Obama discusses why he believes the youth turnout made all the difference in Democractic victories in the midterms; how globalization, disinformation, and the media infrastructure are contributing to the weakening of democracy globally; and what advice he has for Trevor after the Daily Show.



Mother Jones

November – December 2022 Issue


How Trump Spread Incitement of

Violence Throughout the GOP


Republican Leaders have embraced a sinister

tactic honed by the ex-president.


By Mark Follman


Just hours after federal agents entered Mar-a-Lago on August 8 to seize highly classified national security documents, Rep. Paul Gosar urged a fight to the finish. “The FBI raid on Trump’s home tells us one thing,” the far-right Arizona congressman tweeted. “Failure is not an option. We must destroy the FBI.”


Three days later, an Ohio man named Ricky Shiffer donned tactical gear, armed himself with an AR-15, and went to the FBI field office in Cincinnati. After failing to breach the facility, he fled and later died in a shootout with law enforcement. Shiffer was a frequent user of Trump’s Truth Social site, where the ex-president has kept up steady attacks on political opponents and the Justice Department and FBI. Shiffer had posted about imminent violence, telling fellow Trump supporters to be ready “to jump into civil war.”


“People, this is it,” Shiffer wrote shortly after the Mar-a-Lago news broke. A Navy veteran who claimed he was also at the Capitol on January 6, 2021, he called for stocking up at gun stores with “whatever you need to be ready for combat.” He also said “patriots are heading to Palm Beach” and should kill any federal agents who try to stop them.


Was Shiffer spurred to attack the FBI by the statements from Trump and Gosar? It’s hard to know, and that’s no accident. Shiffer’s actions point to a rhetorical method experts call “stochastic terrorism,” whereby a leader vilifies a person or group in ways likely to instigate random supporters to attack those targets, while the instigator maintains a veneer of plausible deniability. Trump made this form of incitement a hallmark of his presidency, galvanizing extremists by railing against and dehumanizing his “enemies.” The country saw the devastating consequences when his supporters stormed Congress to obstruct certification of the presidential election. And now a growing number of Republicans are emulating Trump’s technique.


“While these attacks may defy specific predictability,” threat assessment experts Molly Amman and Reid Meloy wrote in a 2021 study in the journal Perspectives on Terrorism, “their likelihood is greatly increased by the public demon­ization process.” Repetition and saturation through social media and news coverage further amplifies the effect, they observed.



BBC News

Nov. 29, 2022


Stewart Rhodes’ son: ‘How I escaped 

my father’s militia’


The son of Oath Keepers leader Stewart Rhodes spent years plotting to help his family escape an abusive household. Now that the elder Rhodes faces decades in prison, the rest of the family is rebuilding their lives.


Read the full story here:…



TVO Today Live

January 31, 2023


Truth and Trump: An Evening with

Bob Woodward


The disruptive impacts of Donald Trump’s presidency continue to wreak havoc in America and influence politics abroad. Two years after losing the presidency, is his influence behind him or is his MAGA movement still a force to be reckoned with? Steve Paikin discusses this during an evening with Bob Woodward on TVO Today Live, where the veteran investigative journalist shares his insights on the ongoing political landscape.




April 13, 2023


The Worst Things Donald Trump Has Ever Said


By S. Flannagan


The former president and reality TV star Donald Trump is a genius when it comes to getting the attention of the public and putting himself at the center of the media cycle. Even before his White House campaign in 2016, few businessmen in the history of the United States made as many appearances on TV and radio as Trump.




May 5, 2023


The E. Jean Carroll witness decision that

could haunt Donald Trump


Should the jury be entitled to hear from any of Trump’s other accusers? That was the weighty question Judge Lewis A. Kaplan had to decide.


By Carol C. Lam, former U.S. attorney for the Southern District of California


On Thursday, E. Jean Carroll officially rested her case. This means a jury in New York City will soon be asked to decide whether Donald Trump raped, and then later defamed, the former magazine columnist and media personality. The general public will draw its own conclusions about the civil lawsuit, a remarkable event not only because Trump is the former president of the United States, but also because he is a presidential candidate once again. But because jurors are instructed to reach their decision only on the evidence they see or hear in the trial, the decisions U.S. District Judge Lewis A. Kaplan makes about what evidence comes in — and what does not — are of enormous importance.


This week, the jury heard from four key witnesses likely to be top of mind for the jurors when they begin their deliberations. Two women — Lisa Birnbach and Carol Martin — testified that Carroll talked to them shortly after the attack in 1996 and that her account back then was consistent with her testimony at trial. This evidence is important corroboration of Carroll’s testimony — that is, it was introduced to show that the rape allegation was not a recent fabrication. (Trump has denied Carroll’s claims, calling them a “scam.”)



FOX 5 New York

May 5, 2023


Trump deposition in E. Jean Carroll rape trial


The full video of a deposition given by former president Donald Trump as part of his civil rape trial has been released. In the video, Trump calls his accuser, writer E. Jean Carroll a “nut job” and “mentally sick.” At one point, he also mistakes Carroll for his ex-wife Marla Maples in a photo.




May 9, 2023


The 26 women who have accused Trump

of sexual misconduct


By Eliza Relman and Azmi Haroun 


At least 26 women accused President Donald Trump of sexual misconduct, including assault, since the 1970s.


A deluge of women made their accusations public following the October 2016 publication of the “Access Hollywood” tape, in which Trump was heard boasting about grabbing women’s genitals in 2005. Some of Trump’s accusers made their stories public months before the tape’s release, and still others came forward in the months following.


Trump has broadly dismissed the allegations, which include harassment, groping, and rape, as “fabricated” and politically motivated accounts pushed by the media and his political opponents. In 2016, he promised to sue all of his accusers. In some cases, Trump and his lawyers have suggested he couldn’t have engaged in the alleged behavior with certain women because he wasn’t physically attracted to them.



BuzzFeed News
October 19, 2016


A high-profile defense attorney from Florida, Cheney Mason, is now representing “Jane Doe,” the plaintiff in a New York federal civil court case where she is accusing Donald Trump of raping her in the ‘90s when she was 13 years old, according to court documents filed Monday.




March 22, 2018


Ex-Playboy model Karen McDougal tells her

story about Donald Trump


Former Playboy model Karen McDougal defends her decision to tell her story of her alleged relationship with Donald Trump, and said she doesn’t want to damage him. Trump has been charged by the Manhattan District Attorney in an hush-payment case involving adult film actress Stormy Daniels. Some case watchers say that McDougal’s allegations could be part of the indictment.




July 17, 2023


Trump is campaigning to establish

‘a presidential dictatorship’ historian Beschloss says


The Republican party’s presidential frontrunner, Donald Trump, is openly running a campaign based on turning America into an autocracy. Joy Reid’s panel of experts discuss this move many consider to be unprecedented.



Letters from an American

August 2, 2023


Heather Cox Richardson


Today a grand jury in Washington, D.C, indicted former president Donald J. Trump for conspiring to defraud the United States, conspiring to disenfranchise voters, and conspiring and attempting to obstruct an official proceeding. The charges stemmed from Trump’s attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 election. A grand jury is made up of 23 ordinary citizens who weigh evidence of criminal activity and produce an indictment if 12 or more of them vote in favor.


The grand jury indicted Trump for “conspiracy to defraud the United States by using dishonesty, fraud, and deceit to impair, obstruct, and defeat the lawful federal government function by which the results of the presidential election are collected, counted and certified by the government; “conspiracy to corruptly obstruct and impede the January 6 congressional proceeding at which the collected results of the presidential election are counted and certified”; and “conspiracy against the right to vote and to have one’s vote counted.”


The indictment referred to six co-conspirators without identifying them by name, but the details included about them suggest that Co-Conspirator 1 is Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani; Co-Conspirator 2 is lawyer John Eastman, who came up with the plan for then–vice president Mike Pence to use his ceremonial role of counting the electoral votes to throw the election to Trump; Co-Conspirator 3 is Trump lawyer Sidney Powell; Co-Conspirator 4 is Jeffrey Clark, a Justice Department lawyer whom Trump tried to push into the role of attorney general so he could lie that there had been election fraud; Co-Conspirator 5 appears to be Kenneth Chesebro, a Trump attorney behind the idea of the false electors.


The identity of Co-Conspirator 6, a political consultant, is unclear.




August 23, 2023


Here Are The Mug Shots Of Everyone

Indicted In The Georgia Election Case


Look no further for the harshly-lit booking photos of the named defendants, as each one turns themselves in to the Fulton County Sheriff’s Office.


By Sanjana Karanth and Sara Boboltz 


Last week, a grand jury in Georgia accused former President Donald Trump and 18 others of scheming to overturn the state’s results of the 2020 presidential election so that he could remain in office.


In the Aug. 14 indictment are racketeering and corrupt organizations statutes that, in addition to Trump, have resulted in a long list of charges for his close allies like Rudy Giuliani, Mark Meadows and John Eastman.


Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis gave all 19 defendants until noon on Friday to surrender.


Despite now being indicted in four criminal cases, Trump has managed to avoid getting his mug shot taken. But soon after the indictment’s release, Fulton County Sheriff Patrick Labat said the defendants ― including Trump ― will not receive any special treatment when they arrive for their arraignment.



Flix For Free

August 26, 2023


Unfit (2020) | Donald Trump Documentary

Full Movie


Is Donald Trump fit to hold the office of President of the United States? An eye-opening analysis of Trump by leading US mental health professionals and Republican strategists, on the record for the record. Science. Truth. Duty to Warn. 


Cast: Malcolm Nance, George Conway, Anthony Scaramucci, John Gartner, Lance Dodes, Justin Frank, Ruth Ben-Ghiat and Ramani Durvasula


Director: Dan Partland



The Daily Show

Aug. 27, 2023


Jordan Klepper Shows Trump Supporters

January 6th Hearing Clips


Jordan Klepper asks Mississippi Trump supporters what they think happened on January 6th, while showing them clips of the hearings in an attempt to break through the MAGA bubble.



The 92nd Street Y, New York

August 29, 2023


Confidence Man: Maggie Haberman

in Conversation with Alex Burns


Pulitzer Prize-winning New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman has covered the political career of Donald Trump more extensively than any other journalist.


Join one of the defining journalists of the Trump era for the launch of her new book, Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and the Breaking of America — and a candid conversation about her years covering the former President. Following Trump from his early days in New York City real estate to his tortured post-Presidential period, Haberman’s account — based on extensive research and years of interviews with hundreds of sources, including Trump himself — is a disturbing and clarifying story of a man who has brought American democracy to the edge of collapse.


Recorded on October 3, 2022 at The 92nd Street Y, New York.



NBC News

Sept. 17, 2023


Full Trump Interview: ‘I don’t consider us to

have much of a democracy right now’


In this full, unedited interview with Meet the Press, former President Trump discusses his views on the 2020 election, abortion rights, foreign policy and more.




“The Race for Office” by Barry Blitt



The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

November 2, 2023


Rep. Adam Kinzinger: Members of My Own Family

Disowned Me Over Jan. 6


Rep. Adam Kinzinger returns to The Late Show and discusses the personal backlash he and his family faced following his involvement in the January 6th Committee. Stick around for more with Adam Kinzinger and check out his new book, Renegade: Defending Democracy and Liberty in Our Divided Country, available now.



The Commonwealth Club of California

November 7, 2023


Heather Cox Richardson: Democracy Awakening


We’ve all been through a lot in the past five years, but it’s difficult to figure out what it all means, and how it applies to our shared existence in this democratic experiment. Heather Cox Richardson aims to remedy that.


As a historian she has been examining and explaining modern events aided by her deep understanding of history and insight into the forces working for and against democracy. In her new book Democracy Awakening, Heather Cox Richardson looks at the state of American democracy and the forces that have been driving it toward authoritarianism. In whose interest is the obfuscation of history? Who benefits if Americans are turned off or prevented from taking part in democratic acts? Who and what can help change things and rededicate this country to its founding ideals? 


Join us in person as she explains how we got to this perilous point, what our history tells us about ourselves, and what the future of democracy can be.






Notes on the State of America


Heather Cox Richardson




Nov. 8, 2023


The Trump Family Confronts

New Frontiers | Full Documentary


Starting with the Yukon Gold Rush of 1880, three generations of the Trump family confront new frontiers and build the foundation for Donald Trump’s fame and fortune.



Katie Couric

Nov. 9, 2023


Mary Trump and Adam Kinzinger

On The Way Back from

Our Divided Political Moment


Adam Kinzinger and Mary Trump don’t have a lot in common on the surface: but in a moment where politics are dividing more people than ever before, Adam and Mary find they have more and more in common. January 6th was a watershed moment for them both: Kinzinger’s departure from the current GOP was basically assured with his participation in the Congressional hearings on the matter, and a worst-fears-realized anguish after the discord crystalized a drive for activism in Mary Trump.



7NEWS Australia

Premiered Nov. 29, 2023


Donald Trump’s Playbook: Lessons for 2024 election

Full Documentary


In this new documentary, the moment he went down the golden escalator to the moment he gave his first speech… this is how Donald Trump won his first race for president. History, as it happened. And what lessons, if any, can be learned from the Donald Trump playbook for the 2024 election. 7NEWS Australia was there for every moment as the reality TV star became the ‘leader of the free world’. Featuring new interviews with the reporters who covered it all, this is the historical record of how Donald Trump became president. And what Trump 2024 might look like.




November 30, 2023


Elon Musk’s death drive


The tech billionaire built a world that he

could rule — then allowed it to destroy him.


By Quinn Slobodian



The Bulwark Podcast

December 8, 2023


How Trump Got Evangelicals to Make

a Deal with the Devil


Is the Almighty, who made heaven and earth, also biting his nails over next year’s election? Tim Alberta joins Charlie Sykes to discuss the evangelicals who worship America, a 500-year moment for Christianity, and the organized crime syndicate Jerry Falwell built.



The Daily Show

Dec. 18, 2023


Klepper’s Wildest Moments With Trumpers in 2023


From crashing campaign rallies, to Trump’s arrest protest, Jordan Klepper had quite the year.



Journeyman Pictures

December 26, 2023


The film the Trump Organization tried to suppress

You’ve Been Trumped Too (2020)


Investigative journalist Anthony Baxter travels between the US Presidential race and the Scottish countryside to chronicle the troubling confrontation between Donald Trump and a feisty 92-year-old widow, Molly Forbes, as she refuses to make way for his golf course. This shocking insight to a David and Goliath battle is a remarkable document of the disconnect between political rhetoric and the lives of ordinary people.



PART  I    II    III    IV