Trumpism Part Four









“Back to the Future” by Barry Blitt




January 21, 2024


Melania’s Ex-BFF is BACK with MORE TROUBLING

News For Entire Trump Family | The Weekend Show


Former friend and aide to Melania Trump, Stephanie Winston Wolkoff, joins Anthony Davis to expose the Trump family dynamic during this politically turbulent period as Donald becomes even more extreme in light of his legal troubles and as the country grapples with the threat of dictatorship.



Pod Save America

January 26, 2024


Liz Cheney Talks Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell

Being Weak and the 2024 Election


Former Congresswoman and Vice Chair of the January 6th select committee Liz Cheney joins the pod to discuss the dangers of a second Trump term, his chokehold on the Republican party and why she thinks Nikki Haley needs to stay in the GOP primary. Plus, more on Mitch McConnell’s about-face on the bipartisan Senate immigration deal and President Biden’s endorsement from the United Auto Workers Union.



Journeyman Pictures

January 26, 2024


The Far Right In The US And Europe | The Politics Of Hate (2017)


At 16 he became the leader of the Chicago Area Skinheads, later a white supremacist punk band. But when Christian Picciolini started a family, he began questioning his far right views. This timely doc explores a changing Western political climate, chronicling the rise of the far right in the US and Europe, and giving alarming insights into the ways the alt-right movement operates.





January 30, 2024


Democracy on Trial


In March, 2024 Republican presidential nomination front-runner Trump is scheduled to begin standing trial on federal charges, including conspiracy to defraud the U.S., in connection with efforts to overturn his 2020 election loss. He says the charges against him are politically motivated.


“Democracy on Trial” traces the road to this unprecedented moment, and examines the implications of the historic criminal case unfolding in the midst of a presidential election year. Drawing on court documents and revelatory interviews with elected officials, former government lawyers, House Select Committee witnesses and former committee staffers, authors and journalists, the documentary reports that the work of the House Select Committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol attack provided the groundwork for special counsel Jack Smith’s indictment of Trump and may offer insights into how the trial unfolds. 


The documentary chronicles how the committee built its case against Trump and tried to prove his intent, how it chose to present its case to the American public, and criticisms of its work. Key witnesses who testified before the committee and whose firsthand accounts are now evidence in the federal case speak out in the documentary — including Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, Georgia election official Gabriel Sterling and former Arizona Speaker of the House Rusty Bowers. 


Gripping and illuminating, “Democracy on Trial,” the newest film from FRONTLINE’s award-winning political team, Michael Kirk, Mike Wiser and Vanessa Fica, also examines how Trump has challenged the case. Trump has pleaded not guilty and made the legal argument, now being reviewed by an appellate court, that he has “absolute immunity” from prosecution for his actions while in office.




January 30, 2024


Prosecutor Who TOOK DOWN Trump

BACK for More | Burn The Boats


While serving as the Assistant Attorney General of New York, Tristan Snell prosecuted Trump University, the Trump Organization, and Donald Trump himself. Tristan’s new book, Taking Down Trump, talks about that case, and lays out the 12 rules for prosecuting Donald Trump. In this interview, Tristan talks about Trump’s legal strategy, how he is manipulating the legal system, and his history of lies.



60 Minutes Australia

February 4, 2024


The resurrection of Donald Trump


To loyal Trump supporters, their candidate can do no wrong. Donald Trump’s 2024 run for the White House seems unstoppable despite all the controversies.



7NEWS Australia

February 6, 2024


Trump’s Presidency: The first year as it happened | Full Documentary


History, as it happened. A reminder of what happened in Donald Trump’s first year in office. It’s the reality that millions of Americans struggled to accept. Following a tumultuous campaign filled with chants, sledges and accusations, Donald Trump came out on top and officially became the 45th President of the United states. His campaign was a strong indicator for what was to follow with Trump in the White House as Donald Trump wasted no time in taking action on his many promises.


In this documentary, we relive the first year of the Trump administration, through the 7NEWS team’s coverage of all key moments, with additional new commentary from 7 News anchor Mike Amor, who was the US Bureau Chief reporter during the first year of 45’s reign.



George Fox Talks

Februray 6, 2024


Is the USA on the Brink of Another Civil War?


Vice president of George Fox Digital, Dr. Brian Doak, speaks with university president Dr. Robin Baker and renowned historian Dr. Allen Guelzo about the American spirit, the removal of Civil War monuments, and the prospect of a major national conflict in light of the 2024 presidential election. Why do we still see Confederate flags flying, what is really behind the erection and removal of Civil War era statues, and are the conditions right for another violent schism in our time?



The New Republic

February 6, 2024


It’s Way Too Easy for a Crook Like Trump

to Pervert Our Legal System


If the law has one standard for the rich and powerful and another for the rest of us, it will be hard for ordinary Americans to maintain their faith in democracy.


By Michael Tomasky


We once again come to the start of yet another week that could, and by rights should, destroy Donald Trump. This Thursday, the Supreme Court will hear arguments in the case that seeks to bar Trump from the ballot under Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment. Meanwhile, we await word from New York Judge Arthur Engoron, who blew past his self-imposed January 31 deadline for announcing the damages he’ll make the former president pay in the Trump Organization fraud case. Finally, we also sit here wondering what is taking that three-judge panel on the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals so long in deciding that Trump should not be immune from prosecution.


What does it all add up to? This: We are forced to confront the devastating possibility that our legal and political systems have no way of punishing obviously illegal and immoral behavior when carried out by someone with enormous political and financial power.


We tell ourselves we’re a nation of laws. But what if that is a lie? What if that’s a fairy tale? What if our system is not only imperfect, as any system designed by human beings is bound to be? What if it is designed so that rich and powerful people — even ones with horrible defense lawyers! — can wait the system out, even pervert it, and prevail?



[ It’s Way Too Easy for a Crook Like Trump pdf ]



60 Minutes

Feb. 19, 2024


Trump fake elector in Wisconsin describes

how he says he was tricked


Andrew Hitt, who signed a phony electoral certificate for former President Trump in 2020, tells 60 Minutes that he and other Wisconsin Republican electors were tricked.



The Progressive





An Incurable Disease?

The Mystery of MAGA


How is it possible that people cheer and celebrate the most transparent fraud, the most outrageous liar, the most straitjacket-ready psycho ever visited on the body politic?



By Hal Crowther


Like nearly every self-appointed critic of the American political system, I never imagined that I would still be typing that dread-laden five-letter word in February of 2024. The one that begins with “t” and ends with “p”, of course, and it isn’t “tulip.” I’ve prayed, I’ve fasted, I’ve made burnt offerings to the neglected god of common sense, a deity so many Americans have left behind. And still the T-word and the man who embodies all its mystery and menace persist.


Arguments against the presidential candidacy of Donald Trump are like arguments against infanticide, or microwaving kittens. When you offer one, and there must be hundreds, you can’t conceive of an objection or rebuttal. The case against this creature was closed nearly a decade ago, though more damning evidence seems to turn up every day. The New York Times’ Michelle Goldberg, not a writer given to heated overstatement, refers to him as a “freakish madman” and an “onrushing nightmare.” Yet indictments for 91 felonies haven’t kept him from winning Republican primaries and drawing crowds of passionate believers. One Times headline reads “Trump Tightens Grip on National Psyche.” And another, “Trump’s Connection With Supporters Has Little Precedent: Victory Reveals a New Depth of Devotion.”



The New York Historical Society 

March 18, 2024


Confidence Man with Maggie Haberman // The American Story


How does a man like Donald Trump—simultaneously hailed as an all-American hero and condemned as a harbinger of the end of American democracy—become not only a cultural phenomenon, but the president of the United States? Maggie Haberman, the New York Times reporter who won a Pulitzer Prize for her coverage of the 45th president, offers insight into his background, his motivations, and the true nature of his personality, not to mention the means by which he gained a seat in the Oval Office.


Maggie Haberman, a senior political correspondent for the New York Times and a political analyst for CNN, is the author of Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and the Breaking of America. David M. Rubenstein (moderator), co-founder and co-chairman of the Carlyle Group, is the author of How to Invest: Masters on the Craft and the host of History with David Rubenstein on PBS.



New Lines Magazine

March 28, 2024


The Mass Psychology of Trumpism


What explains Donald Trump’s enduring appeal among his supporters? What drives the intense emotional connection that his most passionate followers feel with the former — and possibly next — president? This question has flummoxed and bedeviled pundits, political scientists, journalists, historians and other observers for the last decade, leading many to the realization that the normal categories of political analysis fall short when it comes to this phenomenon.


In this video essay, the psychologist Dan McAdams ventures a theory: In the minds of Trump’s most ardent supporters, he is both more and less than a person. “In the eyes of his supporters, Trump possesses extraordinary powers that are wielded for good and against evil,” McAdams observes. “Who cares if he is flawed? So what if he lacks certain distinctively human qualities? What does it matter that he is rude, authoritarian or even a criminal?”


To explain this apparent paradox, McAdams draws on the research for his book The Strange Case of Donald J. Trump: A Psychological Reckoning (2020). McAdams, the Henry Wade Rogers professor of psychology and professor of human development and social policy at Northwestern University, is a pioneering scholar in the field of “narrative identity” theory, or the life-story model of human identity. His other books include The Redemptive Self: Stories Americans Live By (2006).


This video essay is drawn from McAdams’ New Lines Magazine article “The Mass Psychology of Trumpism,” which can be found at….


Written & narrated by Dan P. McAdams 

Produced by Danny Postel 

Edited by Mikey Andreasson 

Assistant editor Mindi Roscoe 

Sound engineered by Stephen J. Lewis




April 5, 2024


The Antisocial Network: Memes to Mayhem


How did a niche meme-sharing message board become a hotbed for conspiracy theories and dangerous disinformation? This documentary investigates.




April 2024


 Jacob’s Dream

MAGA meets the Age of Aquarius


By Frederick Kaufman


Jacob Angeli-Chansley, the man the media has dubbed the QAnon Shaman, had been released from federal custody six weeks before when we met for lunch at a place called Picazzo’s, winner of the Phoenix New Times Best Gluten-Free Restaurant award in 2015. Despite a protracted hunger strike and 317 days isolated in a cell, Jacob’s prison sentence of forty-one months for obstruction of an official proceeding on January 6, 2021, had been shortened owing to good behavior, and he was let out about a year early on supervised release.


It took some doing to get him to sit for an interview, as Jacob is wary of what he calls Operation Mockingbird, an alleged CIA-sponsored effort begun in the Fifties to use mass media to influence public opinion. Jacob believes that people like me are the tools of the Mockingbird operation, of the deep state, international bankers, pharmaceutical cartels, and corporate monarchies that control the world. People like me believe in medicines that are addictive drugs, in food that is poison, in environmentalism that is ecocide, in education that is ignorance, in money that is debt, in objective science that is not objective. “People are brainwashed by the elites and their propaganda networks,” he said. “Mass hypnosis, bro.”




April 9, 2024


Lying Is What Dictators Do


Straight from the authoritarian playbook, Trump has turned the RNC into a hereditary dictatorship in his quest to swap out the entire GOP—and reality itself—with a murderous Christofascist fantasy.


By Brynn Tannehill


One of Donald Trump’s first acts as president in 2017 was to force Sean Spicer onto the podium to lie about how his inauguration was the best attended and watched ever. It was such an audacious and easily dispelled lie—there was footage to prove otherwise. But Trump’s narcissistic ego prevented him from admitting defeat. More so, everything had to be superlative—the most popular, the biggest, the best. It was Spicer’s job as his flack to make us understand and accept this. (Spicer paid for this by ritually being humiliated and emasculated in a way that recalls the infamous “My name is Reek” scene in Game of Thrones.)


However, Spicer was one man. And now it is a command from above to define reality as whatever Donald Trump says it is, regardless of facts, evidence, or logic. Now Trump, in his bid to run for the White House for a third time, wants the Republican National Committee, which he effectively has taken over, to replace the entire GOP. He swapped the organization’s chair Ronna McDaniel with his daughter-in-law, Eric’s wife Lara Trump, and longtime Trump loyalist Michael Whatley, and then immediately instituted mass layoffs and began restaffing it with his own people. The goal was clear: Establish the Trump family as a hereditary dictatorship.


This past week, the Washington Post revealed that interviewees for positions at the RNC were asked whether they believed the 2020 Election was stolen. This was the litmus test, so that they would only hire those who would vocally support lies meant to undermine the legitimacy of the United States’ government.


If Trump takes power again in 2025 (according to polls, if the election were held today, he would likely easily win the electoral college based on six key swing states), he will spread this command to all of government via Schedule F. This will also allow him to fill all of the top 50,000 spots in government with cronies, ideologues, and sycophants who can be hired and fired at his will.



Los Angeles Times

April 11, 2024


Column: Trump 1.0 made some world

leaders laugh. Trump 2.0 terrifies them


By Jackie Calmes


Not a joke, as Joe Biden might say.


I’m talking about our country: America is no joke, no matter how many times Donald Trump claims it is.


One of his most obnoxious lies at every rally and in most interviews is his contention that, with Biden as president, a disrespectful world is laughing at us. Trump was at it again last week, at his most recent rally in Green Bay, Wis., claiming the United States is a global laughingstock.


“Joe Biden is not respected and Joe Biden is not feared” among the world’s nations, he told his fawning crowd. But once he, Trump, is reelected, “America will soon be respected again, very quickly respected, like never before.”


Like virtually all Trumpisms, this one is demonstrably false.


“Throughout Donald Trump’s presidency, publics around the world held the United States in low regard,” the Pew Research Center reported soon after he left office. Its 2020 survey found that among 13 allied nations, the share of people who had a favorable view of America was the lowest it had been in the two decades since Pew began asking the question. Good feelings toward the United States rebounded after Biden took office and remained favorable by a 2-to-1 ratio last year.


It’s almost laughable, Trump’s projection of his own unpopularity onto Biden. Except that too many Americans believe him.


As for foreign leaders, they’re not laughing at the United States or Trump. They’re openly fretting that the pro-authoritarian neo-isolationist whose crude credo is “America First” could return to power. Their agita is pretty astounding, really.


They don’t respect Trump at all, though they do fear him — the way you’d fear a madman at the nuclear button. President Nixon sought leverage by making foreign counterparts think he was unstable; Trump actually is unstable. Foreign diplomats and some leaders don’t even mask their anxiety. They mostly speak anonymously, in case he actually regains power, but they speak nonetheless, ignoring norms against opining about another country’s election.


Trump’s former national security advisor John Bolton has said repeatedly that even the autocrats Trump admires — Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, Kim Jong Un, among others — “think he’s a laughing fool.”




April 19, 2024


What Did President Trump Do

for 187 Minutes on Jan. 6?

(Democracy on Trial: Pt. 12)




May 17, 2024


The Affairs and Scandals of Trump’s Pastor

Paula White | Documentary


In a world of faith and flashy lights, megachurches and their pastors sometimes come with mega-drama… In Pastor Paula White’s world, alleged marital affairs, bankrupting churches, and using church money to pay for plastic surgery aren’t unheard of. As a young girl who lived in a trailer and became a young married mother, she grew up to become a preacher after an affair with the associate-pastor of her church (and not before they ran off together to start their own church). She went on to lead a congregation of 22,000, became a multimillionaire, hosted a Christian TV show, owned a private jet and an 8,000 sq ft. beach-front home. But no matter how high she climbed, betrayal, greed, and multiple scandals have followed Paula her entire career and three marriages. This is the scandalous story and luxurious lifestyle of Pastor Paula White.




The New Republic

May 25, 2024


Yes, That’s Right: American Fascism


Why waste time debating the extent of Trump’s

fascism when we ought to be fighting it instead?


By Michael Tomasky


“No, no,” some admonish: “Don’t get carried away. Sure, Donald Trump is dangerous, perhaps uniquely so. But … fascist? The need to label him a fascist says more about the labeler than about Trump.” This argument has sprung from certain quarters of the right, which was to be expected, but it has also sprouted from the left, where a point of view has arisen that the “hysterical” invocation of the f-word is as much a danger as Trump.


We have trouble seeing the hysteria. We chose the cover image, based on a well-known 1932 Hitler campaign poster, for a precise reason: that anyone transported back to 1932 Germany could very, very easily have explained away Herr Hitler’s excesses and been persuaded that his critics were going overboard. After all, he spent 1932 campaigning, negotiating, doing interviews—being a mostly normal politician. But he and his people vowed all along that they would use the tools of democracy to destroy it, and it was only after he was given power that Germany saw his movement’s full face.


Today, we at The New Republic think we can spend this election year in one of two ways. We can spend it debating whether Trump meets the nine or 17 points that define fascism. Or we can spend it saying, “He’s damn close enough, and we’d better fight.”


We unreservedly choose the latter course. And so we have assembled herein some of our leading intellectual historians of fascism; a member of the fourth estate who learned firsthand what the Trump lash feels like; a leading expert on civil-military relations; a great Guatemalan American novelist with a deep understanding of immigrants’ lives; one of our most incisive cultural critics; and a man with all-too-real experience in living under a notorious authoritarian regime. The scenarios they describe are certainly grim. We dare you to say, after reading these pieces, that they are impossible.



Jimmy Kimmel Live

June 4, 2024


Vice President Kamala Harris on Protecting

Reproductive Rights, Trump’s Guilty Verdict

& Health Care



7NEWS Australia

June 8, 2024


Trump’s final year as President: Part One


History, as it happened. A reminder of what happened in Donald Trump’s final year as president. In this documentary, we relive the first six months of 2020 under the Trump administration, through the 7NEWS team’s coverage of all key moments.




Part TwoJune 9, 2024




“A Man of Conviction” by John Cuneo



The Military Show

June 19, 2024


Who Will Win America’s Second Civil War?


From April 12, 1861 to April 9, 1865, the U.S. Civil War drenched America in blood, claiming up to 750,000 soldiers’ lives and leaving the South in ruins. Today, 41% of Americans believe another civil war is likely within five years. What would this conflict look like?




 July 13, 2024


‘One inch from a potential civil war’ – near miss in Trump shooting is also a close call for American democracy


With an assassination attempt on Donald Trump at a rally in Pennsylvania on July 13, 2024, the U.S. experienced another violent episode in its increasingly polarized politics. Former President Trump, who’s about to formally become the GOP nominee for president in the 2024 election, survived the attempted assassination when, initial reports said, a bullet grazed his ear. But one rally attendee was killed, more spectators were injured and the suspected gunman is also dead. The Conversation’s politics editor, Naomi Schalit, spoke with University of Massachusetts, Lowell, scholar Arie Perliger after the event. Perliger offered insight from his study of political violence and assassinations. Given the stark political polarization in the U.S., Perliger said, “it’s not a surprise that eventually people engage in violence.”


Schalit: When you heard the news, what was the first thing you thought?


Perliger: The first thing that I thought about is that we were basically one inch from a potential civil war. I think that if, indeed, Donald Trump would have suffered fatal injuries today, the level of violence that we witnessed so far will be nothing in comparison to what would have happened in the next couple of months. I think that would have unleashed a new level of anger, frustration, resentment, hostility that we haven’t seen for many, many years in the U.S.


This assassination attempt, at least at this early stage, may validate a strong sense among many Trump supporters and many people on the far right that they are being delegitimized, that they are on the defensive and that there are efforts to basically prevent them from competing in the political process and prevent Trump from returning to the White House.


What we’ve just seen, for many of the people on the far right, fits very well into a narrative that they’ve already been constructing and disseminating for the last few months.


Political assassination attempts don’t aim only to kill someone. They have a larger goal, don’t they?


In many ways, assassination attempts bypass the long process of trying to downgrade and defeat political opponents, when there is a sense that even a long political struggle will not be sufficient. Many perpetrators see assassinations as a tool that will allow them to achieve their political objectives in a very quick, very effective way that doesn’t demand a lot of resources or a lot of organization. If we are trying to connect it to what we’ve seen today, I think that many people see Trump as a unicorn, as a unique entity, who in many ways really consumed the entire conservative movement. So by removing him, there’s a sense that that will or may solve the problem.


I think that the conservative movement changed dramatically since 2016, when Trump was first elected, and a lot of the characteristics of Trumpism are actually now fairly popular in different parts of the conservative movement. So even if Trump will decide to retire at some point, I don’t think that Trumpism – as a set of populist ideas – will disappear from the GOP. But I can definitely understand why people who see that as a threat will feel that removing Trump can solve all the problems.


In a study of the causes and impacts of political assassination, you wrote that unless electoral processes can address “the most intense political grievances … electoral competition has the potential to instigate further violence, including the assassinations of political figures.” Is that what you saw in this attempted assassination?




July 15, 2024


‘Noxious’: See Maddow expose JD Vance’s past

statements about Trump, Jan. 6 and more


Rachel Maddow looks back at the blistering insults JD Vance directed at his now running mate Donald Trump, as well as his newfound MAGA perspective on the January 6 insurrection.



The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

July 15, 2024


Rep. Adam Kinzinger On Trump’s Cult-Level Control

Over The Republican Party


Former congressman Adam Kinzinger recalls the events of January 6, 2021 and admits he was surprised to see Donald Trump take total control over the GOP in the runup to the 2024 presidential race. Stick around for two more segments with Rep. Kinzinger.




“The Face of Justice” by Anita Kunz



ABC News In-depth

July 15, 2024





Investigating Trump, Project 2025 and the future

of the United States | Four Corners


There has never been a US president like Donald Trump — and now he’s back, this time with a detailed plan for his second coming. 


Nearly four years after he was cast out by voters and accused of encouraging the American people to assault their own democracy with the attack on the US Capitol, the now convicted criminal wants to rebuild the country in his own image. 


Ahead of the US election in November, Four Corners reporter Mark Willacy travels to Washington for the first of a special two-part series. 


He sits down with White House insiders who witnessed the chaos of Trump’s first term — some who continue to support his vision, and others Trump now considers “traitors”. 


Trump wants to reshape the pillars of American democracy and give himself more power. Willacy goes inside “Project 2025”, the blueprint for a second Trump term and the army of recruits ready to carry out his orders. 


Meanwhile strategy, security and defence experts warn of the impact another Trump presidency could have on America’s institutions, its democracy, and the rest of the world.




 PART TWO July 22, 2024




July 19, 2024


Preacher, prophet, messiah: Trump cult

takes on religious overtones at RNC


As Christian nationalism grows in strength and influence within the Republican Party, Donald Trump’s cult of personality is shifting toward increasing religiosity with Trump as the central deity. George Conway, president of the Anti-Psychopath PAC, Susan Glasser, staff writer at the New Yorker, and Tressie McMillan Cottom, columnist for the New York Times, discuss with Alex Wagner.



EM Productions

July 23, 2024


Trump: Guilty on all Counts | Full Documentary


Donald Trump faces four criminal cases, with the sentencing for the Hush money scandal taking place on the 11th of July 2024. Just days before the start of the Republican National Convention on the 15th of July where Trump is expected to be formally nominated for president. Although the ex-president continues to claim he is ahead in the polls, the prospect of a jail sentence could really rock his campaign and has warned that the public would reach a breaking point. However, at a time of such high intensity, the prospect of civil unrest and violence could very much rear its ugly head…once again. 



Andrew Wroe 

Guy Walters 

Matthew Goodwin 

Natasha Lindstaedt



Sarah Findley, Brian Aabech, Jordan Hill



Mother Jones

July 26, 2024


Trump Backers Are Talking Up Possible

Civil War


These commentators and GOP state official sound willing to take drastic measures if Trump loses in November.


By Arianna Coghill


Last week, at J.D. Vance’s first rally as the GOP’s vice presidential nominee, Ohio state Sen. George Lang said that civil war would be necessary if former President Donald Trump does not win the 2024 presidential election.


“I believe wholeheartedly Donald Trump and Butler County’s J.D. Vance are the last chance to save our country politically. I’m afraid if we lose this one, it’s going to take a civil war to save the country, and it will be saved,” Lang said, as the crowd erupted in raucous applause.


Three days later, Lang apologized on X, claiming that the statement “didn’t accurately represent his views.” But while the Ohio legislator’s statement may not represent his views, it certainly seems to represent those of other Trump supporters.


Since campaigning for the 2024 race began, several MAGA loyalists have openly advocated for political violence in the event the real estate mogul loses the race.




July 29, 2024


A half-million records and one app: The group 

behind a massive effort to ‘clean’ voter rolls



By , and


Police officers in Texas, senior citizens at a nursing home in Pennsylvania, and people who had registered to vote at a Marine base in California are among the thousands of voters whose right to cast a ballot has been needlessly challenged ahead of this November’s election by activists — many of whom have been inspired by conspiracy theories — seeking to prevent voter fraud.


“My simple right as a voter is being attacked,” said Daniel Moss, a university administrator from Denton County, Texas, whose registration was challenged by one of the activists even though he has lived in the county and voted there for about two decades. “It’s kind of un-American to do that.”


Election officials across the country have been inundated with dubious complaints about inaccurate voter rolls, which have wasted government resources and sapped taxpayer money spent reviewing lists of registered voters that officials say are already carefully maintained, a CNN investigation has found.


One of the main drivers of the fruitless challenges is a conservative Texas-based nonprofit group called True the Vote, an election-monitoring organization that has long peddled debunked voter-fraud theories. The group’s founder, Catherine Engelbrecht, has called on followers to help clean voter rolls by using an app called IV3 that enables users to research voter data and submit voter-eligibility challenges to local election offices.



The Bulwark

Aug. 5, 2024


Even FOX can’t save Trump! Anchors struggle

to stop Trump disaster | Will’s Take


While Donald Trump brags about his own intelligence, he doesn’t have the intelligence to answer questions Fox News anchors directly coach to him. Will Saletan explains.



The Daily Show

August 6, 2024


Kamala Harris Picks Minn. Governor & Midwestern

Dad Tim Walz as Running Mate


Michael Kosta gets to know Tim Walz, the Minn. governor Kamala Harris chose as her running mate. While the Trump campaign claims the vice presidential candidate will “unleash hell on earth,” Democrats love his political record and “Midwestern dad af” vibes. Plus, Josh Johnson weighs in on why Walz is the “right type of white guy” for this race.



Rebel HQ

Aug. 15, 2024


Trump DUMPED By Evangelicals After Ruthless

New Ad


Evangelicals are finally turning on Trump as his hypocrisy and moral failures push them to rally behind Kamala Harris in a desperate bid to save the GOP from its own self-destruction. Richard Ojeda breaks it down on Rebel HQ.




August 16, 2024


Project 2025 Co-Author Lays Out “Radical Agenda” 

for Next Trump Term in Undercover Video


As Donald Trump tries to distance his campaign from Project 2025, those behind the right-wing policy blueprint to remake the U.S. government continue to brag in private about their close ties to the Republican presidential nominee and how they intend to push a radical right-wing agenda in a second Trump administration. In July, Project 2025 co-author Russell Vought met with two people he believed to be relatives of a wealthy conservative donor interested in funding the effort. 


In fact, he was meeting with two reporters with the U.K.-based Centre for Climate Reporting as part of an undercover sting captured on video. Over the course of two hours, Vought described Trump’s disavowal of Project 2025 as mere theater and laid out plans for mass deportations, restricting abortion, gutting independent government bureaucracies, using the military against racial justice protesters and more. 


The secret plans are “designed to ensure that this kind of radical agenda that the conservative movement has in the U.S. can be implemented from day one,” says Lawrence Carter, founder and director of the Centre for Climate Reporting and one of the reporters who spoke with Vought. “They want to make sure that the mistakes from the first Trump administration, as they see them, where not much got done, are avoided this time around.”



The New Republic

September 5, 2024


Trump’s Latest Scheme to Steal the

Election: Let Congress Do It


The ex-president has demanded that Congress insert

“voter fraud” measures into a must-pass spending

bill. Speaker Mike Johnson says he agrees.



By Thom Hartmann


Get ready. Donald Trump has made good use of the propaganda technique known as the Big Lie 1.0, famously claiming that the 2020 “election was stolen” from him. And now he’s preparing to use Big Lie 2.0 to shut down our government this fall, believing it’ll hurt the Biden administration and thus the Harris-Walz campaign.


That second weapon—this Big Lie 2.0—is the false allegation of widespread “voter fraud” in America. He intends to use it to try to bring the Biden administration to its knees in the next few weeks. And, as a bonus, if it works, he gets to prevent millions of people, particularly minorities and women, from voting.


Republicans have been using this lie to attack the heart of our democracy right out in the open ever since the Civil Rights Act was passed in 1964, the year they responded by rolling out “Operation Eagle Eye,” yelling about nonexistent “voter fraud” and using it as an excuse to intimidate minority voters in the Goldwater/Johnson race.


In the 60 years since then, with the exception of the past year or two, no major American news media have seriously challenged the Republican “voter fraud” lie. Even though for the last few decades Republicans have routinely used it for blocking minority and women voters, and purging voting rolls the way, for example, Governor Brian Kemp and Attorney General Ken Paxton just did in Georgia and Texas, respectively, in preparation for this November.



[ Trump’s Latest Scheme to Steal the Election pdf ]




September 6, 2024


Fred Trump III Denounces His Uncle Donald Trump

for Saying Disabled People “Should Just Die”


Democracy Now! is joined by the nephew of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, who has endorsed Trump’s Democratic opponent, Vice President Kamala Harris. Fred Trump III’s new memoir, All in the Family: The Trumps and How We Got to Be This Way, shares fresh insights into the Trump family and acts as a platform to advocate for individuals with developmental disabilities. Fred Trump’s own son William has a rare genetic disorder that causes severe developmental and intellectual disabilities. He says Donald Trump once told him to abandon William, saying, “He doesn’t recognize you. Let him die, and move down to Florida.” After a meeting in the Oval Office about dedicating more resources to people with disabilities, Fred Trump says his uncle said, “Those people, the costs. They should just die.” 


“How could one human being say that about any other human being, least of all your grandnephew?” says Fred Trump, who calls on the next president to support disabled Americans.




Sept. 9, 2024


‘This is not an idle threat’: Schiff sounds

alarm on Trump’s threat to jail opponents


Congressman Adam Schiff discusses Trump’s threat to jail opponents if he wins reelection as well as Trump’s delayed sentencing in his New York “hush money” case.



Johnny Harris

Sept. 12, 2024


The Secret Trump Investigation

Nobody is Talking About


Did Egypt’s President el-Sisi try to buy Trump’s loyalty by sending Trump $10 million? We looked into it and here’s what we found.


Read the excellent report that inspired this video, by Aaron C. Davis and Carol D. Leonnig for The Washington Post here.



Robert Reich

Sept. 17, 2024


75 Worst Things about the Trump Presidency


 Donald Trump left office with the lowest approval rating of any  president ever. But some people now seem to be suffering from amnesia.   




Sept. 18, 2024


Maddow on her ‘profoundly funny’ new

documentary on Trump-Ukraine scandal,

‘From Russia with Lev’


Rachel Maddow is the executive producer of a new documentary on the Trump-Ukraine plot, “From Russia with Lev,” airing this Friday at 9 pm ET on MSNBC. Maddow joins Joy Reid with more.



The Daily Show

Sept. 19, 2024


NC Candidate Mark Robinson Gets Exposed

and Trump Reunites with Rudy Giuliani


Ronny Chieng on the North Carolina Republican busted for posting weird comments on a porn site, Rudy Giuliani’s frightening performance at Trump’s Long Island rally, and the shocking truth behind JD Vance’s cat eating stories. Plus, Troy Iwata joins with the inside scoop on one missing feline.




Sept. 19, 2024


Was Trump’s Presidency Part of Putin’s Plan?


NATO troops amass along Russia’s borders as U.S. officials grapple with Putin’s election meddling. How will a battle that started in cyberspace play out on the ground? 


This episode of Cyberwar originally aired in 2017.



Journeyman Pictures

September 24, 2024


New Look at Trump’s Most Consequential Day:

Jan 6 Attack on the Capital


Fight Like Hell shows the true story of January 6 as it’s never been seen before. With no narration, commentary, or other “spin,” the film immerses the viewer into the Stop the Steal movement from its origins — long before the 2020 election had even ended.


As President Trump fought the election results in court, see how the Stop the Steal movement fought it in the streets. With original never-seen footage shot by an army combat cinematographer using state-of-the-art cinema cameras, Fight Like Hell is a visceral experience that brings you right into the moment as it happened.




Sept. 24, 2024


You Will Never Look At Elon Musk

The Same Way Again…



The Capital Times

September 24, 2024


One-on-one with Heather Cox Richardson 

Cap Times Idea Fest 2024


Heather Cox Richardson is a Boston College history professor whose daily digital essays (“Letters from an American”) that place current political events into historical context have gained a massive national following.


In this keynote Idea Fest session, she talks with fellow historian David Maraniss about the precedents for what we are seeing now in America’s political landscape and where we might be headed.



Amanpour & Co.

Sept. 24, 2024


Mary Trump: “Cruelty Was a Currency” in Trump Family


In a busy week for diplomacy, world leaders are weighing up what a second Trump term could mean for the U.S. and the world. To the former president’s niece, Mary Trump, it would spell nothing but bad news for American democracy. Mary Trump joined Michel Martin to discuss her views on the upcoming election and her latest book, Who Could Ever Love You: A Family Memoir.












Premiered Sep 24, 2024 | FRONTLINE investigates the lives and characters of Kamala Harris and Donald Trump as they seek the presidency.




October 1, 2024


Psychiatrists expose Trump’s mental 

deterioration at major conference. Part 2


Anthony Davis reports on The World Mental Health Coalition’s major conference ‘THE MORE DANGEROUS STATE OF THE WORLD AND THE NEED FOR FIT LEADERSHIP’ with Dr Bandy Lee and 18 experts.



Anthony Scaramucci

October 2, 2024


Unmasking the Illusion of Donald Trump


Russ Buettner and Susanne Craig are investigative reporters at the New York Times. Get a copy of their bestselling book, Lucky Loser: How Donald Trump Squandered His Father’s Fortune and Created the Illusion of Success.



Justice Matters

with Glenn Kirschner

October 2, 2024


Jack Smith Lays Out The Sharply Incriminating

Evidence of Trump’s Democracy-Busting

January 6 Crimes


In anticipation of conducting the litigation the Supreme Court directed her to conduct on the issue of presidential immunity, Judge Tanya Chutkan placed on the public docket Jack Smith’s 165-page motion setting out the crimes of Donald Trump and why he is not immune from prosecution. 


Smith’s motion reads like a 165-page opening statement, showing why Trump should never again be allowed to get within a thousand miles of the Oval Office.



Vice President Kamala Harris on

The Howard Stern Show

October 9, 2024




Oct. 11, 2024


Fears grow that ‘clown-like’ Trump 

could achieve fascist goals despite 

gross incompetence


For as long as Donald Trump has been on the political scene, analysts have struggled with how much of his performance to take seriously. But as Election Day races closer and polls remain tight even as Trump rhetoric becomes more extreme and his supporters become more radicalized, more people are realizing that no matter how big a buffoon Trump may be, the risks of him taking power and abusing that power are significant and worrisome. 


Charlie Sykes, a former conservative radio host who has now endorsed Kamala Harris, is joined by Susan Glasser, staff writer at the New Yorker, and McKay Coppins, staff writer for the Atlantic and author of Romney: A Reckoning, discuss with Alex Wagner. 




October 11, 2024


“The Apprentice”: New Film Opens Despite 

Trump’s Attempts to Block Anyone from Seeing It


We speak with the director of “The Apprentice,” which opens today in theaters despite legal threats from the former president. The film looks at how Trump was mentored by Roy Cohn, former chief counsel to Senator Joseph McCarthy during the Red Scare. He went on to represent Trump as he built his New York real estate empire, and “was the person who sort of built Trump, as a person, as a brand, as an identity,” says Abbasi.



SLICE Full Doc

October 12, 2024


Trump’s 40-Year Entanglement 

with the FBI and Organized Crime


Never has a president so repeatedly and openly demonstrated his disrespect for the law, the Constitution and the democratic institutions of the United States. From Russian interference in the 2016 elections to secret deals with the mafia, Donald Trump has faced many accusations – while he claims to be the victim of an FBI conspiracy.


Despite being implicated in well-documented suspect deals, he was never charged. In fact, Trump and the FBI have been covertly enmeshed for 40 years. But exactly how far did he go to get his way, and to keep agents from investigating?


Using privileged access to FBI officials, this film examines the complex relationship between the United States Intelligence Community and its businessman-turned-President, who plays a double game with the Mafia and the bureau. In the run-up of the next presidential election, this investigation proposes to lay out the inside story of Trump’s potentially compromised presidency, examined by those who know him best. 


Documentary: An American Affair : Trump & the FBI (2020) 

Directed by: Fabrizio Calvi & David Carr-Brown 

Production: Pumpernickel Films and Allumage



The David Pakman Show

October 14, 2024


The DISTURBING links between Trump, Hitler, Stalin, and Putin


— A deep dive into the comparisons between, and often taboo of, comparing Donald Trump or other modern-day authoritarians to the dictators of history, including Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Kim Jong Un, and others.



Best Documentary

October 15, 2024


Operation Trump: Russian Spies Conquer America


As the 2024 elections approach, Russia’s interference in American politics—through spies or agents of influence—remains a troubling reality. Vladimir Putin is counting on Donald Trump’s victory to weaken Ukraine. 


Why does Trump almost always support Russia? Is he compromised? Did he betray during his presidency? And why has the Republican Party shifted its stance toward Russia?


Answering these questions means shedding light on a labyrinthine operation of espionage and manipulation. Still ongoing, it began in the final years of the Cold War. While it remains shrouded in mystery, some hold pieces of the puzzle. A former KGB leader, infiltrated “illegals,” a former Trump advisor, former CIA and FBI officials, and a former prosecutor provide testimony. 


This gripping investigative documentary, filmed like a spy thriller, takes us deep into Soviet and later Russian infiltrations in the United States.



Amanpour & Co.

October 16, 2024


PolitiFact Founder Explains the “Epidemic of Lying”

in American Politics


As Americans gear up for the election, Bill Adair warns of an “epidemic of lying” in U.S. politics — particularly within the Republican Party. Adair joins the show to discuss his new book, Beyond the Big Lie: The Epidemic of Political Lying, Why Republicans Do It More, and How It Could Burn Down Our Democracy. As founder of the fact-checking website PolitiFact, Adair is well placed to account for where disinformation comes from, how it spreads and the danger it poses to democracy.




Oct. 18, 2024


“That man needs to go to jail”: Former Trump voters

explain why they could never support him again


Speaking to Salon, Republicans and independents who previously backed Trump explain why they’re now voting blue.


By Charles R. Davis

News Editor




Oct. 20, 2024



*3 Part Marathon*



The David Packman Show

October 20, 2024


Ex-Trump supporters on why they DUMPED TRUMP


— Former Donald Trump supporters, Robert Nix, Damian Salmon and Kyle Sweetser, join David to discuss why they have abandoned Donald Trump, who they are voting for in the 2024 election, whether they are still Republicans and/or conservative, and more.




Oct. 21, 2024


Rachel Maddow interviews Yulia Navalnaya


Watch the full, extended version of Rachel Maddow’s interview with pro-democracy, anti-Putin, anti-corruption activist Yulia Navalnaya, widow of Russian opposition leader and political prisoner Alexei Navalny.




Oct. 25, 2024


President TRUMP – Has he Made

America Great Again? | First Term


The World According to Trump | Documentary


Donald Trump has imposed his own pace, provocative style, and agenda, and the world experienced his four years in office at full throttle. Every day a new controversy crowded out the previous one, to the extent that it was hard to grasp what was really at stake. What if the time had come to watch the film once again at a normal speed?



Our Changing Climate

October 25, 2024


Why Trump Is So Dangerous


In this Changing Climate video essay, I examine the disaster of another Trump presidency and the implementation of Project 2025. In short, Trump will build a fossil fascist regime that would not only be catastrophic for oppressed people everywhere, but also lock-in climate chaos for decades to come.



Best Documentary

October 26, 2024


Trump: The Art of the Insult


Donald Trump used The Art of the Insult to brand political opponents and bash the media all the way to the White House. Trump dominated the news with a master plan of political incorrectness, hurling insults like Lyin’ Ted and Crooked Hillary. 


In this film, Trump emerges as a marketing genius and performance artist who, despite being a Manhattan billionaire, captured the hearts of middle America.



John Anderson Media

October 28, 2024


“Whoever Wins this Presidential Race,

We’re Going To See a Lot of Violence” | Shawn Ryan


Shawn Ryan, former Navy SEAL and CIA contractor, joins John to discuss politics, war, and the psychological toll of military service. Shawn reflects on his experiences in conflict zones like Iraq and Afghanistan, the rise of his podcast “The Shawn Ryan Show,” and how it resonated with listeners craving authenticity amidst a media landscape they no longer trust. He shares his personal struggles, including battling alcoholism, and how transparency and vulnerability became central themes on his platform, especially for veterans reintegrating into civilian life. 


Shawn and John explore the state of the world today, touching on societal unrest in the US, the dangerous rise of extremism, and the challenges posed by foreign adversaries like China. Shawn also highlights the importance of critical thinking, the influence of money in politics, and the vital need for America to “get its house in order” before it can effectively handle global threats.




October 30, 2024


Nationalism is not patriotism: 3 insights 

from Orwell about Trump and the 2024 election


Shortly after Donald Trump was inaugurated as president of the United States in January 2017, George Orwell’s 1949 novel Nineteen Eighty-Four shot to the top of Amazon’s bestseller list. Apparently, lots of people thought Orwell had something relevant to say in that political moment.


Nearly eight years later, the United States once again faces the prospect of a Trump presidency.


In 2016, many Americans were caught off guard by Trump’s win, leading them to grapple with the potential consequences of a Trump presidency only after he was elected. But this time, more people seem to be thinking about the ramifications of such an outcome in advance.



Daily Stoic

Oct. 30, 2024


Why Narcissistic Leaders Always Fail (In The End)



Michael Moore

October 31, 2024


Fahrenheit 11/9


Michael Moore’s epic Trump-era film, presented in full.






2007 documentary on America’s healthcare system.




Fire and Fury – The Podcast


What happens when one of the best-sourced reporters in the game catches up with an old friend to share his latest scoop? Every week, we listen in as journalist Michael Wolff (Fire and Fury, Siege, Landslide) speaks with James Truman, former editorial director of CondĂŠ Nast. They dish from inside the Trump campaign and share election intel before the world gets to hear it. Fire and Fury: The Podcast is essential listening for anyone looking to stay one step ahead of the headlines.


October 31, 2024




In this episode, Michael reveals a key source for his reporting on Donald Trump: Jeffrey Epstein. Through behind-the-scenes stories and never-before-heard recordings, Michael recounts Epstein’s candid insights into Trump’s rise, revealing a world of power plays, unsettling competitions, and twisted allegiances. The conversation unearths Epstein’s perspective on Trump’s character, ambition, and his relentless pursuit of power.




Oct. 24, 2024


Former Sports Illustrated swimsuit model says 

Trump groped her to show off for Jeffrey Epstein



By and


In her first on-camera interview about the allegation, with CNN Thursday, Stacey Williams offered her most detailed public account of the alleged encounter, which she said occurred outside Trump’s office in Trump Tower in the early 1990s when she was in her 20s and was briefly dating Epstein. CNN has spoken to three friends of Williams, who each said that she told them about the incident with Trump and Epstein, in 2006, in 2015 and in 2018, respectively.



The David Pakman Show

October 31, 2024


Trump’s brain is QUICKLY getting worse,

says psychologist


— Doctor Harry Segal, clinical psychologist and Senior Lecturer in the Psychology Department at Cornell University, as well as the Department of Psychiatry at Cornell Weill Medical School, joins David for a final discussion of the cognitive stakes of the Donald Trump vs Kamala Harris election.



The Damage Report

November 1, 2024


Interview with Dr. Greenwood on Trump’s Brain


Top psychologists and doctors, including Dr. Greenwood, sound the alarm on Donald Trump’s dangerous mental diagnosis, which could prove terrifying consequences if elected again.



The Bulwark

Nov. 1, 2024


Trump Loves Pretending God Likes Him, 

But His Cult Is Far From Christian


Will Saletan breaks down how Donald Trump and his supporters have used the failed assassination attempt on the former president to argue he’s been chosen by God to save America.



SLICE Experts

Nov. 2, 2024


Donald Trump against the FBI | Full Doc



Q+A with Jack Tame

Nov. 2, 2024


US faces ‘chaos’ if Trump wins 2nd term


A second Donald Trump presidency would paralyse the US government and embolden its global adversaries, says former George W. Bush speechwriter David Frum. 


The Atlantic writer says the former president would immediately try to shut down the various legal investigations against him if re-elected, triggering widespread resistance.



The Weekly Show

Nov. 8, 2024


Jon Stewart on Trump’s Win and 

What’s Next w/ Heather Cox Richardson


In the aftermath of 2024 election results, Americans are rightfully worried about what a second Trump administration may bring. This week, Jon Stewart is joined by Heather Cox Richardson, author of Democracy Awakening: Notes on the State of America to explore what our past can teach us about the resiliency of our democratic institutions as we navigate an uncertain future.




“Tightrope” by Barry Blitt



The Mark Thompson Show

November 11, 2024


Did Donald Trump Actually Win?

2.7 Million Provisional Ballots Were Rejected




Greg Palast

Oct. 18, 2024





Greg Palast’s award-winning documentary, introduced by Martin Sheen and narrated by Rosario Dawson.



After Skool

Nov. 12, 2024


Is Every Civilization Doomed to Fail?


Gregory S. Aldrete is Professor Emeritus of History at the University of Wisconsin–Green Bay. He earned his PhD in Ancient History from the University of Michigan. He has been honored with numerous awards for his research and teaching and has received five fellowships from the National Endowment for the Humanities. He is also a prolific scholar whose books include Gestures and Acclamations in Ancient Rome, Daily Life in the Roman City, and The Long Shadow of Antiquity: What Have the Greeks and Romans Done for Us?



ABC News In-depth

November 15, 2024


America’s Last Election Part 5:

Trump demands loyalty


Donald Trump is bringing together his cabinet, from RFK to Matt Gaetz to Elon Musk to Vivek Ramaswamy. The one thing he is prioritising above all else is loyalty. 


The President has learnt from his last term in the White House where senior leaders in his administration refused to follow through on his orders. 


The story of his interactions with the likes of James Comey, Mark Milley and Mark Esper are a warning for Trump. 


This time around, he is determined to Make America Great Again and he is setting up his administration to make that happen.



Anthony Scaramucci

November 16, 2024


Top Harvard Intelligence Expert: “This is the

Golden Age of Disinformation” | Open Book


Calder Walton is a world-leading expert on intelligence, national security, and geopolitics — a scholar at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government. Get his wonderful book, Spies: The Epic Intelligence War Between East and West.



Times Radio

Nov. 16, 2024


Trump ‘is crazy’ says his biographer


David K. Johnson is a professor at the Rochester Institute of Technology and the author of The Making of Donald Trump.



Letters from an American

November 21, 2024


Heather Cox Richardson


Today, former Florida representative Matt Gaetz withdrew his name from consideration for the office of attorney general. He did so shortly after CNN told him that they were going to report that the House Ethics Committee had been told there were witnesses to yet another sexual encounter between Gaetz and a minor in 2017. There was already evidence that he had sent more than $10,000 to two women who later testified in sexual misconduct investigations. The notes explaining the payments said things like: “Love you,” “Being my friend,” “Being awesome,’ and “flight + extra 4 u.” 


Trump transition spokesperson Alex Pfeiffer told Will Steakin of ABC News that discussions of Gaetz’s payments “are meant to undermine the mandate from the people to reform the Justice Department.” 


Gaetz’s withdrawal turns attention to Trump’s pick for secretary of defense, Pete Hegseth. As host of the weekend edition of Fox & Friends, Hegseth has no relevant experience to run a crucial United States government department, let alone one that oversees close to 3 million personnel and a budget of more than $800 billion. 


According to Heath Druzin of the Idaho Capital Sun, Hegseth has close ties to an Idaho Christian nationalist church that wants to turn the United States into a theocracy. 


Jonathan Chait of The Atlantic did a deep dive into Hegseth’s recent books and concluded that Hegseth “considers himself to be at war with basically everybody to Trump’s left, and it is by no means clear that he means war metaphorically.” Hegseth’s books suggest he thinks that everything that does not support the MAGA worldview is “Marxist,” including voters choosing Democrats at the voting booth. He calls for the “categorical defeat of the Left” and says that without its “utter annihilation,” “America cannot, and will not, survive.”



Mary Trump Media

November 22, 2024


PROJECT 2025: Trump’s REAL Plan All Along

We Should Have Known


Mary Trump exposes the terrifying reality of Project 2025 – the extremist blueprint Trump denied but is already implementing. Watch as his administration executes the playbook’s core principles: mass deportations, military purges, and the dismantling of public education. From targeting reproductive rights to eliminating a million federal jobs, the plan reveals exactly how to prepare for what’s coming.



The David Pakman Show

November 23, 2024


Ex-Republican predicts “Fascism” and “Chaos”

in Trump 2nd term


— Steve Schmidt, renowned American political strategist, commentator, and founder of The Warning, joins David to discuss the aftermath and consequences of the 2024 election.



Mother Jones

November – December 2024 Issue


The Bureaucrat Who Could Make 

Trump’s Authoritarian Dreams



Russ Vought has a plan to take presidential power to

new heights.


By Isabela Dias


Our November+December issue investigates the Christian nationalist movement that aspires to take over government at all levels, from school boards and state legislatures to Congress and the Supreme Court. Read the series of stories here.


In the waning days of the Trump presidency, Russell Vought, the outgoing director of the Office of Management and Budget, had a request.


After years in Washington, DC, soaking in the minutiae of policy, Vought had come to both know and loathe the bureaucracy. A rare voice in an administration committed to “draining the swamp” who had actual Beltway experience, he found in the Trump era he could put his expertise to use.


On November 20, 2020, Vought wrote to the head of the Office of Personnel Management for approval to reclassify dozens of career civil servant jobs within his agency. A few weeks before the 2020 election, President Donald Trump signed an executive order creating a new category of at-will employees—so-called Schedule F positions—which would be exempt from the rules designed to protect civil servants from partisan hatchetmen.


Despite Trump’s loss, Vought pushed to recategorize scores of OMB roles. To an outsider, this might have seemed like a technical adjustment. But in practice, reassignment would have stripped 415 employees—68 percent of the agency’s personnel—of work protections, effectively making it easier for political appointees to fire them. Vought called it “another step to make Washington accountable to the American people.”


In the end, Vought couldn’t get it done by inauguration. But this combination of lofty public rhetoric and ruthless behind-the-scenes gamesmanship has become his trademark. By the tail end of Trump’s turbulent four years in the White House, the OMB director had turned into one of the president’s most trusted and obsequious officials—an acolyte with a knack for making the half-formed schemes from his boss achievable.


As Trump runs for a second term, Vought’s years of faithful service haven’t gone unnoticed; his name has been widely floated for chief of staff, and he is a key policy adviser. One of the masterminds behind Project 2025—the Heritage Foundation’s presidential transition blueprint to overhaul the executive branch and usher in an ultraconservative agenda—Vought, an avowed Christian nationalist, is the man best positioned to realize Trump’s visions.





Nov. 26, 2024


China, the U.S. & the Rise of Xi Jinping


The complex, contentious U.S.-China relationship is a high-profile issue President-elect Donald Trump will face in his second term. FRONTLINE’s timely investigation traces China’s emergence as one of the world’s wealthiest and most repressive countries, and the role of its longtime president, Xi Jinping.




Nov. 27, 2024


Chris Hayes: Remember the last time a country

fooled around and found out?


“Just like the Tories and Liz Truss in London two years ago, Donald Trump told us what he plans to do. And just like then, the critics have said what the devastating results will be. Now we are about to enter the ‘finding out’ phase of the story,” says Chris Hayes on Trump’s economic plans.



The Bulwark

Nov. 29, 2024


INFURIATING Clip Shows Just How Little

the Truth Matters to Trump | Will’s Take


Will Saletan breaks down how Donald Trump pathologically lies, using a story Trump tells about CNN’s Van Jones as a prime example.




December 2, 2024


“Instrument of Vengeance”: Mehdi Hasan on 

How Trump & Kash Patel Could Weaponize

FBI Against Critics


We speak with journalist Mehdi Hasan, founder and editor-in-chief of Zeteo, about the incoming U.S. administration and President-elect Donald Trump’s picks for key roles, including lawyer Kash Patel to lead the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Trump reportedly considered Patel for FBI deputy director during his first term but dropped the idea after pushback from within his own administration. Hasan describes Patel as a “toady” whose threats against political opponents and journalists should be disqualifying, but that he aligns with Trump’s goals of further politicizing the FBI. “He wants to use it as an instrument of vengeance.”



The New Republic

December 2, 2024


Trump 2.0: Here Comes the Night


Well, reality must be faced now. But many courageous

Americans are ready to fight.


By Nina Burleigh


In the summer of 2015, Steve Bannon watched Donald Trump descend the Trump Tower escalator. He exclaimed: “That’s Hitler!” He meant it, of course, as a compliment.


Bannon would go on to become campaign CEO and a White House staffer, and Trump went on to win his first presidency. He didn’t get to do full Hitler. He did spend four years smashing norms, insulting women, finding “fine people on both sides” of a Nazi march, committing treason (or at least trying to), operating an open-air kleptocracy, mishandling and lying about a pandemic, inciting a coup, surviving two impeachments, and then grabbing dozens of classified documents on his way out the door.


Now, a majority of the American electorate—over 70 million voters—has handed supreme power back to this supremely unqualified, disrespectful, convicted fraudster and sexual abuser who likely avoided prison time for conviction in the Stormy Daniels hush money case. And now, his power to fulfill Bannon’s prophecy is even greater than it was during his first term, thanks to a timorous Republican Party and a Supreme Court that has granted him nearly monarchical immunity.


We are headed into uncharted territory as a people and a nation. Trump and his allies have promised to initiate their radical right-wing agenda the minute after he takes his hand off the Bible on Inauguration Day. We are about to experience an unprecedented assault on the Constitution and our civil liberties related to speech and assembly, and an abandonment of norms related to the military, the Justice Department, and government contracting that will make the first term look, well, normal.



[ Trump 2.0: Here Comes the Night pdf ]



Amanpour & Co.

December 4, 2024


America’s Lonely Future: David Frum on

Trump’s “Predatory” Foreign Policy


With Trump’s inauguration on the horizon, conversations continue about the impact of the President-elect’s policies both at home and abroad. David Frum is a political commentator and former speechwriter for President George W. Bush. In his latest piece for The Atlantic, “America’s Lonely Future,” Frum warns that the U.S. could become a global bully. He joins Walter Isaacson to discuss.



MSNBC Highlights


Dec. 22   Dec. 23   Dec. 24   Dec. 26  

Dec. 27   Dec. 29   Dec. 30




Dec. 20, 2024


Why Democrats can’t get over the grief

of losing to Donald Trump


A party without a leader is hopeless


By Chauncey DeVega

Senior Writer


Following their trouncing by Donald Trump and the MAGA movement in the 2024 election, Democrats continue to plod through the stages of grief, vacillating between denial, anger and bargaining. This behavior is increasingly taking the form of self-soothing talk among its leadership, consultant and media class that their defeat in the 2024 election was not as extreme and dire as it first appeared (Trump won the popular vote and the Electoral College; the Republicans now control both chambers of Congress) and that a big rebuild and reassessment of the party and its strategy, messaging and leadership are not necessary.



World According To Briggs

December 23, 2024


Americans Are FLEEING to These 10 Countries Because of Trump.


Escape Plan: Discover the top 10 countries Americans are fleeing to in 2024! From Costa Rica’s “Pura Vida” lifestyle to Japan’s strict social rules, we’re exploring the most popular destinations for Americans looking to start fresh abroad. 


Ready to trade your American zip code for an international address? We break down the real deal on living in these countries — from Portugal’s golden visa program to Canada’s point-based system. Plus, get the inside scoop on visa requirements, cost of living, and what daily life is really like in each destination.




Dec. 24, 2024


‘Pay-to-pray’: Trump reportedly charging supporters 

$100,000 to attend church service with him


By Carl Gibson


The day before his inauguration, President-elect Donald Trump will reportedly be attending an interfaith prayer service in Washington D.C. His wealthiest supporters can also attend — if they write or solicit a big enough check.


That’s according to a recent report in Religion News Service (RNS), which published promotional material from Trump’s inaugural committee showing a list of different tiers of “benefits” depending on how much a donor gives. On Saturday, January 18, donors can get tickets to a “Make America Great Again Victory Rally,” a Cabinet reception and a dinner with Vice President-elect JD Vance. And on Sunday, January 19, donors who give $100,000 or raise $200,000 can get two tickets to the “One America, One Light Sunday Service.” RNS reporter Jack Jenkins described it as a “pay-to-pray” event.





December 26, 2024






Radical revisionism is a strong contender for the theme

of this disruptive year, in which some unique property

of political alchemy managed to transform a defeated

and disgraced ex-President into a perfectly electable

Republican candidate.


By Susan B. Glasser





Welcome to the forum of choice for The President
of The United States, Donald Trump!


Be advised this forum is for serious supporters of
President Trump. We have discussions, memes,
AMAs, and more. We are not politically correct.



Washington Week PBS

December 27, 2024


WASHINGTON WEEK with The Atlantic 


George Packer is known far and wide for his penetrating analysis of American history and American politics. Across his distinguished career, Packer has reported from war zones and countries in turmoil around the world. This week, Jeffrey Goldberg and Packer focus on turmoil at home to make sense of this year and America’s future.



The Daily Show

Jan. 6, 2025


Rep. Jamie Raskin – Jan. 6 & Reevaluating

Democrats’ Priorities


“We’re going to be standing up every single day for the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the freedom of the people.” Rep. Jamie Raskin of Maryland joins Jon Stewart from Washington D.C. to discuss the country’s future following the certification of Donald Trump’s 2024 election win. 


As the newly-elected ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, he weighs in on Democratic priorities moving forward, engaging young voters through the Democracy Summer project, his friendship with Rep. Lauren Boebert, and positive memories from the day after the 2021 insurrection.




Jan. 7, 2025


Chris Hayes: Zuckerberg and tech execs cozying

up to Trump is chilling—but ‘very clarifying’



The David Pakman Show

January 8, 2025


Donald Trump holds a bizarre and disturbing 

press conference at Mar-a-Lago




Jan. 8, 2025


“We did not discuss that”: Trump spoke to Alito 

before asking SCOTUS to intervene in hush money case


Justice Alito admits he spoke to Trump before the filing, 

but denies they discussed Supreme Court business


By Alex Galbraith


Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito spoke with Donald Trump mere hours before he filed a request for the court to intervene in his New York hush-money case. 


The president-elect’s legal team filed an emergency application to the highest court on Wednesday, asking the justices to intervene ahead of Trump’s upcoming sentencing hearing. The filing asked the court to act to “prevent grave injustice and harm to the institution of the Presidency.” Though Alito admitted to speaking with the president-elect on Tuesday, he said they did not discuss his case. 


“William Levi, one of my former law clerks, asked me to take a call from President-elect Trump regarding his qualifications to serve in a government position,” Alito told ABC News. “We did not discuss the emergency application he filed today, and indeed, I was not even aware at the time of our conversation that such an application would be filed… We also did not discuss any other matter that is pending or might in the future come before the Supreme Court or any past Supreme Court decisions involving the president-elect.”


Trump was found guilty of 34 felony counts of falsifying business records in May of last year. After several months of delays, Trump was ordered to a sentencing hearing by New York Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan. Barring intervention from other courts, Trump will be sentenced on Jan. 10. 


Merchan has telegraphed that he has no intention of sentencing Trump to jail time or fines. In his order, he shared that the court would not “impose any sentence of incarceration” and floated the idea of an “unconditional discharge,” a sentence that comes with no consequences. That did not stop Trump from raging against Merchan and calling for him to be disbarred.


“There has never been a President who was so evilly and illegally treated as I. Corrupt Democrat judges and prosecutors have gone against a political opponent of a President, ME, at levels of injustice never seen before,” he wrote on Truth Social earlier this month. “Corrupt judges or judges so blinded by their hatred of me … are making a mockery of the United States Judicial System, and the World is watching in disgust.”




Jan. 10, 2025


Rachel Maddow on Pam Bondi: Five things to know

about Trump’s (second) pick for attorney general


How much will Americans get to know about the people Donald Trump is choosing to run the U.S. government? In the absence of any real vetting the way it’s usually done, Rachel Maddow presents a Rachel Maddow Show Public Servant Announcement to hopefully help fill that gap. 


In this episode, Rachel takes a closer look at Trump’s choice for attorney general, Pam Bondi, who has been working closely with Trump, despite not being given a role in his first administration, showing commitment to his causes, including the prosecution of his political opponents. While Bondi is not highly regarded for her abilities, she does benefit from comparison to Trump’s first choice for attorney general, former Rep. Matt Gaetz.



60 Minutes

Jan. 12, 2025


Interview with FBI Director


FBI Director Christopher Wray, who’s stepping down before President-elect Donald Trump takes office, sits down with Scott Pelley to discuss the Bureau’s future, and the threats America faces.



The David Pakman Show

January 12, 2025


How global autocrats will OWN Trump


Anne Applebaum, Pulitzer prize winning historian and writer for The Atlantic, joins David to discuss her book Autocracy, Inc.: The Dictators Who Want to Run the World.




Jan. 14, 2025


Mary Trump: My uncle is out for revenge


Speaking to Andrew Marr, Mary Trump said: “Donald thrives in division, he’s a chaos agent, and he will use the most horrific tragedy or crisis of humanity to his benefit. He will exploit human tragedy to divide us against each other and weaken his perceived enemies. Gavin Newsom was just doing his job and minding his own business. It’s Donald Trump who launched baseless attacks against the Governor and other officials in California and who has been threatening to make aid to California conditional, which is just absurd.”


Mary Trump also discussed Elon Musk, the next administration, and democracy.




January 14, 2025


White Nationalism, Sexual Assault & Corruption: 

Pete Hegseth Faces Senate Confirmation


The confirmation hearing for President-elect Donald Trump’s pick for defense secretary, former Fox News host and military veteran Pete Hegseth, begins today amid backlash over his history of sexual assault, misusing funds in his previous positions, and various violations committed while under the influence of alcohol. 


Hegseth was also one of 12 National Guard members removed as guards for President Biden’s 2021 inauguration over possible extremist ties. He has tattoos associated with the white supremacist and neo-Nazi movements, including what’s known as a Jerusalem cross, a symbol used by Christian nationalists. If Hegseth is confirmed, “the Trump administration would stand to gain a loyalist,” says reporter Alice Herman, who is covering Hegseth in The Guardian.



Thom Hartman Program

January 16, 2025


Trump’s Return Echoes Rome’s Fall: Is America Next?


Will Trump make America fall like Ancient Rome? Thom Hartmann reveals how Ancient Rome’s democratic collapse set the stage for America’s current crisis… Trump’s second inauguration.



CBC News

Jan. 17, 2025


What’s with Trump’s obsession

with Greenland? | About That


U.S. president-elect Donald Trump has long been fascinated with owning and controlling Greenland, spanning from his interest in buying the country in 2019, to his recent refusal to rule out taking it by military force.


Andrew Chang explores four potential reasons why Trump calls ownership of Greenland ‘an absolute necessity.’



PBS NewsHour

Jan. 17, 2025


PBS News Weekly: Trump’s incoming

cabinet under the spotlight


In his final days in office, President Joe Biden reflected back on his presidency in a speech to the nation, while his successor’s administration began to take shape through confirmation hearings. This week, we take a close look at the hearings, the upcoming presidential transition and the legacy Biden will leave behind after 50 years in public service.




Jan. 17, 2025


‘Alarming’: RFK Jr. sought to stop vaccinations 


In May 2021, just six months after the rollout of the Covid vaccine, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. tried to stop all coronavirus vaccinations in the U.S., the New York Times reports. Sen. Ed Markey joins Chris Hayes to discuss that and more.



Letters from an American

January 17, 2025


Heather Cox Richardson


In his final address to the nation last night, President Joe Biden issued a warning that “an oligarchy is taking shape in America of extreme wealth, power, and influence that literally threatens our entire democracy, our basic rights and freedoms, and a fair shot for everyone to get ahead.”


It is not exactly news that there is dramatic economic inequality in the United States. Economists call the period from 1933 to 1981 the “Great Compression,” for it marked a time when business regulation, progressive taxation, strong unions, and a basic social safety net compressed both wealth and income levels in the United States. Every income group in the U.S. improved its economic standing.


That period ended in 1981, when the U.S. entered a period economists have dubbed the “Great Divergence.” Between 1981 and 2021, deregulation, tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations, the offshoring of manufacturing, and the weakening of unions moved $50 trillion from the bottom 90% of Americans to the top 1%.


Biden tried to address this growing inequality by bringing back manufacturing, fostering competition, increasing oversight of business, and shoring up the safety net by getting Congress to pass a law—the Inflation Reduction Act—that enabled Medicare to negotiate drug prices for seniors with the pharmaceutical industry, capping insulin at $35 for seniors, for example. His policies worked, primarily by creating full employment which enabled those at the bottom of the economy to move to higher-paying jobs. During Biden’s term, the gap between the 90th income percentile and the 10th income percentile fell by 25%.


But Donald Trump convinced voters hurt by the inflation that stalked the country after the coronavirus pandemic shutdown that he would bring prices down and protect ordinary Americans from the Democratic “elite” that he said didn’t care about them. Then, as soon as he was elected, he turned for advice and support to one of the richest men in the world, Elon Musk, who had invested more than $250 million in Trump’s campaign.



DW Documentary

January 18, 2025


The rise of the ultra-right in the US


How has the ultra-right made it to the heart of American politics? By gradually occupying positions of power in politics, the judiciary and the media and steadily expanding its sphere of influence. Adherents have been bolstered by Trump’s 2024 election victory.


The tightening of abortion laws, the 2021 storming of the Capitol, a flare-up in racist violence: The US far-right has never been more powerful and visible than it is today – and that’s not just due to Donald Trump. The ultra-right has managed to gain a foothold at the very heart of US politics.


As part of a strategy to win the 2024 election, it was ready to create a social divide similar to that of the secessionist wars, plunge the country into chaos and cause democracy to totter. The triumph of the radical right is the outcome of a well-thought-out strategy set in motion more than 40 years ago by a conservative minority thirsty for power. And this group has pushed through its agenda under the nose of the world.


Today, we can see how successful its strategy was: The ultra-right has gained control of the key centers of power, a process accelerated on all levels by Donald Trump. With his help, the ultra-right now has control of the Supreme Court. Its advance continues unabated, with Trump’s election victory marking an interim high point.




Donald Trump’s Disruption Is Back


By Massimo Calabresi | Jan. 19, 2025



60 Minutes Australia

January 20, 2025


Donald Trump’s nephew tells all ahead of 

White House return


Fred Trump, the nephew of Donald, reveals a darker side of his famous uncle.


Synopsis | Uncle Donald (2024) If political ruthlessness and cunning were Olympic events, Donald Trump would surely be glistening in gold. Such is his will to regain the world’s top job he has become even more proficient at belittling and slandering anyone who stands in his way. This time around, Trump’s campaign for the presidency is setting records for spitefulness, and with 11 weeks still until polling day, there’s bound to be plenty more vitriol. On 60 MINUTES, Amelia Adams reveals a counter-attack from an unexpected quarter: a member of Trump’s own family. Fred Trump has released a damning memoir, which reveals his Uncle Donald is capable of a whole new level of cruelty and nastiness.




January 21, 2025


Trump’s Comeback (full documentary)


FRONTLINE examines defining moments over Donald Trump’s life and career, his 2020 election loss, felony convictions and his historic comeback. “Trump’s Comeback” tells the story of Trump’s return to the presidency, overcoming obstacles and opposition.



PBS NewsHour

Jan. 22, 2025


WATCH: With Capitol officers from Jan. 6 attack, 

House Democrats rebuke Trump’s clemency



Amanpour & Co.

Jan. 22, 2025


Constitutional Expert: Jan. 6 Pardons 

“Most Shameful” in Presidential History


Among those included in President Trump’s January 6th pardons is the founder of the dark web criminal marketplace Silk Road, who was serving a life sentence. Conservative lawyer Paul Rosenzweig calls this “one of the most shameful acts” ever committed by a U.S. President. Rosenzweig explains to Michel Martin how Trump’s action differs from Biden’s 11th-hour preemptive pardons.



The New Republic

Jan. 23, 2025





A weekly accounting of the rogues and scoundrels of America


—Jason Linkins, deputy editor


Well, I hate to say I told you so. Back in December, I warned that Donald Trump’s plan to pardon the January 6 insurrectionists was going to be greeted by the media with prewritten takes about how President Biden’s own use of the pardon power justified a decision to free a violent mob. Today, The Washington Post’s editorial board, tasked with the mission of obtaining 200 million paying users while simultaneously following owner Jeff Bezos’s directive to make the venerable newspaper substantially more mendacious, made me look prescient.



Letters from an American

January 23, 2025


Heather Cox Richardson


Last night, in an interview with host Sean Hannity on the Fox News Channel, President Donald Trump tried to explain away his blanket pardons for the January 6 rioters, calling the instances of violence against police officers “very minor incidents.”


In fact, as Brett Samuels of The Hill reported, about 600 of the rioters were accused of assaulting, resisting, or impeding police officers, and ten were convicted of sedition.


Ryan J. Reilly of NBC News explained that rioters wounded more than 140 officers with “firearms, stun guns, flagpoles, fire extinguishers, bike racks, batons, a metal whip, office furniture, pepper spray, bear spray, a tomahawk ax, a hatchet, a hockey stick, knuckle gloves, a baseball bat, a massive ‘Trump’ billboard, ‘Trump’ flags, a pitchfork, pieces of lumber, crutches and even an explosive device.”



Novara Media

Jan. 23, 2025


Capitol Rioter Turns Down Trump Pardon




Jan. 23, 2025


Trump taps conservative media critic 

to lead global news agency


By David Folkenflik


President Trump has named a fierce conservative critic of the mainstream media, L. Brent Bozell III, as his pick to run the U.S. Agency for Global Media, the parent agency of the Voice of America and other federally owned international broadcasters.


In a posting on Truth Social, Trump said that Bozell would bring much needed change to the agency, which was led by a veteran news editor, Amanda Bennett, herself a former director of the Voice of America.


She resigned along with other Biden appointees across government as Trump took office.


“Few understand the Global Media landscape in print, television, and online better than Brent,” Trump wrote. “He and his family have fought for the American principles of Liberty, Freedom, Equality, and Justice for generations, and he will ensure that message is heard by Freedom-loving people around the World.”


Bozell, 69, is the founder of the conservative nonprofit Media Research Center. For decades, it has critiqued the news media and pop culture from a strong right-of-center outlook.


“These are not dispassionate observers of the national scene,” he wrote of journalists, in a characteristic commentary in 2018. “These are leftist partisans.” (In later years, his syndicated column was written with Tim Graham, a colleague at the center who is also executive editor of its offshoot, NewsBusters.)


Bozell comes from a family with strong links to conservative media. He is the nephew of National Review founder William F. Buckley Jr., who collaborated in writing with his father.


In addition, Bozell’s son, Leo Brent Bozell IV, was convicted of assaulting law enforcement officials during the January 2021 siege of the U.S. Capitol and sentenced to 45 months in prison. Trump’s blanket pardon of almost all convicted January 6 rioters encompassed the younger Bozell.


Before taking office, Trump announced he wanted to name Kari Lake, a former local newscaster in Arizona who unsuccessfully ran for governor and U.S. Senate on a strong pro-Trump platform, as director of Voice of America. Like Trump, Lake has attacked journalists as “fake news.”



PBS NewsHour

Jan. 23, 2025


WATCH: Trump nominee and Project 2025 author Russ Vought ‘dangerous’ to working people, Schumer says



The Atlantic

Jan. 24, 2025


Evangelicals Made a Bad Trade


Hitching the evangelical wagon to Donald Trump has

meant unhitching it from the life and teachings of Jesus.


By Peter Wehner


In his inaugural address on Monday, Donald Trump declared himself God’s chosen instrument to rescue America. He recalled the assassination attempt he survived last year: “I was saved by God to make America great again.”


Just a few minutes earlier, a beaming Franklin Graham—minister, Trump acolyte, and sometime Vladimir Putin admirer—had driven home the same point during his prayer. “Father, when Donald Trump’s enemies thought he was down and out, you and you alone saved his life and raised him up with strength and power by your mighty hand.”


One of the first acts of God’s newly anointed president was to issue pardons or commute the sentences of the nearly 1,600 people charged in the January 6 attack on the Capitol. Trump issued pardons to most of the defendants and commuted the sentences of 14 members of the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers militias, most of whom had been convicted of seditious conspiracy.


Axios reported that the pardons were “a last-minute, rip-the-bandage-off decision to try to move past the issue quickly.” As Trump’s team wrestled with the issue, “Trump just said: ‘Fuck it! Release ’em all,’” an adviser familiar with the discussions told Axios’s Marc Caputo.




January 24, 2025


“Shock and Awe”: ICE Raids Begin as Judge Halts 

Unconstitutional Birthright Citizenship Order


As the Trump administration launches what it touts as the largest mass deportation campaign in U.S. history, we look at how immigrant communities and advocates are fighting back. The administration already faces some setbacks, including in its attempt to end birthright citizenship, which a federal judge halted Thursday from going into effect because it was “blatantly unconstitutional.” 


Thursday’s ruling is the first in what’s expected to be a long legal battle against Trump’s anti-immigrant agenda. “We’re in a moment where there’s a ton of fear in the community,” says Harold Solis, legal director at Make the Road New York, which has filed its own lawsuit against the government. 


We also speak with Columbia University historian Mae Ngai, who says the fight over birthright citizenship is part of the long history of restrictionist immigration policies in the country. “What we’re seeing this week is shock and awe. It’s meant to terrorize,” she says. “We have to fight on all levels.”




Inside with Jen Psaki

January 26, 2027


Gov. Whitmer condemns Trump pardons: ‘Everything that’s happening continues to normalize violence’


Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer reacts to Donald Trump’s pardoning of over 1,500 Jan. 6 offenders and discusses excerpts from her new book True Gretch: What I’ve Learned About Life, Leadership, and Everything in Between.




“Two’s a Crowd” by Barry Blitt



60 Minutes Australia

January 27, 2025


Donald Trump 2.0: Inside the first week of 

the greatest comeback in US politics


History in the making. A triumphant return. Donald J. Trump’s in no doubt the razzle dazzle’s well deserved. This is the 45th, now 47th President’s finest moment. The greatest comeback in American politics. But along with the congratulations, caution. So what does ‘making America great again’ really mean? Amelia Adams reports on the President’s whirlwind first few days back in power, and the major changes the world can expect.




Jan. 27, 2025


World leaders tell Fareed Zakaria 

what they think of President Trump


President Donald Trump seems to think the US is a patsy. Fareed Zakaria argues the US has been the biggest beneficiary of the world order it built after World War II, but Trump’s transactionalism could undermine that world.




January 28, 2025


Trump’s Comeback: Tim O’Brien (interview)


Timothy O’Brien is a senior executive editor at Bloomberg Opinion. He was previously a reporter and editor at The New York Times and is the author of TrumpNation: The Art of Being the Donald. Trump filed a $5 billion defamation lawsuit after the publication of O’Brien’s book. The suit was later dismissed. 


This interview was conducted by the Kirk Documentary Group’s Mike Wiser for FRONTLINE on November 18, 2024. It has been edited for clarity and length.



The Mark Thompson Show

January 28, 2025


Trump Has Just Cut Off All Cancer Research 

& Funding | Prof. David Cay Johnston at RIT


Pulitzer Prize winning Author & Investigative Journalist



CBC News

Jan. 28, 2025


How much money has Big Tech given to

Donald Trump? | About That


U.S. President Donald Trump raised a record amount of corporate donations for his inauguration, millions of which were donated by CEOs of major tech companies like Google, Apple, Amazon and Meta.


Andrew Chang explains the shift in Trump’s relationships with these industry leaders since his first term, and the symbolism of their proximity to the president.




January 29, 2025


Caroline Kennedy says her cousin RFK Jr. is 

“dangerous” and a “predator” in video to Senate




The BEAT with Ari Melber

January 30, 2025


He was wrong: Trump’s own FBI nominee rebukes pardons for violent MAGA convicts at fiery hearing


Ari Melber reports on the confirmation hearing for Trump’s controversial FBI nominee, Kash Patel, who walked back previous statements during the proceedings.



The Ezra Klein Show

February 4, 2025


Don’t Believe Him


Look closely at the first two weeks of Donald Trump’s second term and you’ll see something very different than what he wants you to see.




Feb. 5, 2025


Rep. Al Green (D-TX): “The movement 

to impeach the president has begun.”


“I rise to announce that I will bring Articles of Impeachment against the president for dastardly deeds proposed and dastardly deeds done.”



The Bulwark

Feb. 6, 2025


Conway Explains Crisis in America


Sarah Longwell and George Conway take on Trump 2.0’s grim vision of a government stripped of legal limits. Agencies dismantled, courts defied, and the Constitution in jeopardy. When no one enforces the law, will chaos prevail?



The Humanist Report

February 7, 2025


It’s Time to Prepare for the Fall of American Democracy


We’re in the middle of an ongoing constitutional crisis at the moment and may soon find out if The Constitution will remain “in effect” altogether, as Jamelle Bouie put it in an op-ed for The New York Times. 


At the current pace, Trump could radically transform our entire form of governance in a short period of time. Historian Timothy Ryback explains in a piece for The Atlantic how H*tler was able to dismantle democracy in just 53 days by centering governance around the executive (i.e. rule by decree), purging the government of loyalists, and shutting down public unrest with the military.


The similarities between then and now are utterly chilling. In this video we’ll look at all of the warning signs that Trump is becoming a full-blown fascist dictator, and explain what Democrats should do to prepare before it’s too late.



Times Radio

Feb. 7, 2025


Trump faces impeachment after bringing ‘turmoil 

and chaos’ to the US | Congressman Al Green


“We’re seeing how he can use his immense power to create turmoil and chaos that is almost unimaginable in this country.”


Filing impeachment proceedings against Donald Trump is “the right thing to do,” says Al Green, Democrat representative for Texas, who is filing proceedings against the president.



Brendan Miller

Feb. 7, 2025


5 Reasons Trump Will Fail (and it’s already happening)




Inside with Jen Psaki

Feb. 9, 2025


‘Constitutional crisis’: Sen. Booker reacts to 

possibility that Elon Musk will defy court orders


Senator Cory Booker discusses Democrats’ playbook for fighting back against Elon Musk’s government takeover.



ABC News

Feb. 9, 2025


Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn.: U.S. facing most 

serious constitutional crisis ‘since Watergate’



The Daily Show

Feb. 10, 2025


David Remnick – 100 Years of The New Yorker & Journalism in the 2nd Trump Era


The New Yorker editor David Remnick sits down with Jon Stewart to discuss the magazine’s 100th Anniversary Issue and journey since its inception in 1925. 


They also talk about the importance of long-form journalism, especially under the overwhelming second Trump administration, as well as how the president is overstepping executive power, the danger of the tech oligarchy, and the need for Democratic politicians and citizens alike to finish licking their wounds and take action.



Marc Lamont Hill

Feb. 10, 2025


Chris Hedges exposes how America’s fake Christian Right & billionaires are destroying us.


Marc Lamont Hill sits down with Chris Hedges, the Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and former New York Times Middle East bureau chief, to break down America’s looming future under a toxic mix of corporate greed, religious extremism, and fascist politics. 


Hedges calls out the “Christian Right” for its deep ties to the billionaire class, claiming they’re using “magic Jesus” to distract the masses from real economic collapse. The conversation goes deep into how the system is rigged against the working class, how “boutique activism” misses the point, and why the fight for true justice can’t be won without confronting economic inequality head-on. 


The explosive talk covers the dangerous rise of Christian nationalism, the genocide in Gaza, and why the left is too weak to stop the chaos ahead. 


With a long career covering war and global injustice, Hedges brings his deep insights into the collapse of the American empire, economic inequality, and the rise of authoritarianism. He’s the author of several books, including America: The Farewell Tour and Wages of Rebellion, and a fierce critic of both political parties.



TVO Today

Feb. 11, 2025


Is Calculated Chaos Trump’s Key Strategy?


Unpredictable, impulsive, arbitrary. These are some of the words that might come to mind to describe President Trump’s first few weeks in office. But is the chaos the point? Richard Nixon famously wanted the North Vietnamese to believe he’d do anything to end the war, including using nuclear weapons. It was called his “madman theory.” 


Is Trump deploying the same strategy but, to the entire world? And what does his zero-sum approach mean for the post-World War II order?



Brian Tyler Cohen interviews top political figures – from the President of the United States and cabinet members to Senators and lawmakers to local leaders and activists.



electron media group inc.

February 11, 2025


Bernie Sanders Dismantles Elon Musk, 

Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos Oligarchy


During remarks on the Senate floor, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) accused President Trump and the billionaire ‘oligarchs’ of leading the United States to ‘authoritarianism’.




ALL IN with Chris Hayes

February 13, 2025


‘Highway robbery’: Musk, Trump yank $80m 

from NYC bank account over migrant lies


“They are taking money out of other people’s bank accounts, calling it a ‘clawback’ of taxpayer money. A lot of other people call it stealing $80 million,” says Chris Hayes. NYC Comptroller Brad Lander joins to discuss.



Charlie Rose

Feb. 13, 2025


Tom Friedman Examines the Beginning of the 

Second Trump Term


We talk of many things including the US election, the new Trump administration, executive orders and constitutional challenges, the global economy and tariffs, Elon Musk, JD Vance, cabinet appointments and Democratic resistance, Israel and Palestinians, Europe and NATO, Iran and North Korea, Greenland and Panama, and big tech like artificial intelligence and big ideas like the end of the post-World War II liberal order, and the rise of new imperialism.




Feb. 15, 2025


George Conway on defiance of court orders: 

We have basically a criminal regime


The Trump administration is working to discredit the legal system, with Vance suggesting Trump could ignore court rulings all together. George Conway joins The Weekend to discuss what this means for the rule of law in the U.S.



Face the Nation

Feb. 16, 2025


Jamie Raskin says DOJ made “deeply corrupt bargain” 

in move to drop charges against NYC mayor Eric Adams



CBS Sunday Morning

February 16, 2025


A government worker’s message for Elon Musk


Since taking office, President Trump and his advisor, billionaire business owner Elon Musk, have worked to winnow the ranks of federal workers. At times questioning the contributions of some federal employees, they are also enticing more than two million government employees to quit, and have moved to shutter entire agencies. 


But how will the public lose out if government workers lose their jobs? “Sunday Morning” national correspondent Robert Costa talks with Christopher Mark, a Department of Labor engineer who has helped keep coal miners safe and alive; and with Michael Lewis, editor of the new book Who Is Government?, which explores a workforce of individuals dedicated to the public good.



Al Jazeera English

Feb. 16, 2025


Will the US and Israel succeed in ethnic 

cleansing of Gaza? | The Bottom Line


Western ideals of morality and international law have been dealt a fatal blow by Israel’s war on Gaza, argues author Pankaj Mishra. 


Mishra, whose latest book is The World After Gaza: A History, tells host Steve Clemons that US and Israeli leaders are normalising the idea of mass expulsion of the two million Palestinians who live in the Gaza Strip and may eventually succeed in carrying it out as the world watches.


The author dives into the racist logic behind some Western foreign policies and argues that India has lost “moral and diplomatic leadership” due to its support for Israel.



Business Basics

Feb. 16, 2025


Coup in Jordan: Trump’s Gaza Plan will 

BACKFIRE For Eygpt & Jordan



A Different Bias

Feb. 16, 2025


Trump Claims Role of Absolute Monarch


President Trump has just claimed that he’s above the law, trying to quote Napoleon. This is in response to the courts blocking his illegal executive orders. So, what does he plan next? It can only be the neutralisation of the courts. If he succeeds in doing that, America ceases to be a democracy.



60 Minutes

Feb. 16, 2025


What Trump, Musk moves on USAID could mean 

for other government agencies


A constitutional law professor and a former USAID administrator are raising questions about President Trump’s actions around USAID and what it could mean about the role of Congress in Washington.





February 17, 2025


Protestors chant “No one voted for 

Elon Musk” as federal layoffs begin


Media Matters President Angelo Carusone, The Bulwark publisher Sarah Longwell, and Washington Post investigative reporter Carol Leonnig discuss the nationwide protests that have sprung up as President Trump and Elon Musk gut federal agencies and lay off employees.



Amanpour & Co.

February 17, 2025


Bill Gates on Trump, AI, and a Life of Revolutionizing Tech


In the United States, international aid is also on Trump’s foreign policy chopping block. For now, a federal judge has paused a funding freeze on USAID. 


Tech giant Bill Gates joins Walter Isaacson to explain how the global fight against disease could be affected by the sweeping cuts. Gates also discusses his new memoir, Source Code: My Beginnings.




The LAST WORD with 

Lawrence O’Donnell

February 17, 2025


Because of Musk and Trump, for the first time 

Social Security payments are not guaranteed


MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell explains how Elon Musk, whose only mission in government is to cut payments, has gained control over Social Security and put those payments in jeopardy for the first time, proving that President Roosevelt was right when he said, “No damn politician can ever scrap my social security program.”



Cooper Academy

Feb. 18, 2025


“The callapse of a generation is here.” | Richard Wolff



Sen. Adam Schiff

Feb. 19, 2025


Exposes Trump & Elon’s Billionaire Giveaway Scheme




ALL IN with Chris Hayes

February 19, 2025


Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA): Before Elon Musk 

robs the bank, he’s firing all the cops




Inside with Jen Psaki

Feb. 20, 2025


‘This is not a game’: Psaki calls out GOP lawmakers 

for flip-flopping on Russia


“This is what Republicans are doing now: going against all of their strongest convictions about America’s role in the world—about the threat of Russia, the threat of Putin—to bend the knee to Trump,” says Jen Psaki on Republicans like Marco Rubio, Lindsey Graham and Mike Waltz.



The New Republic

February 20, 2025


Trump Is the American President of Putin’s Dreams


Trump is repeating Putin’s lies about the war in Ukraine and ready to give Russia everything it wants, no matter the cost to Ukraine, our European allies, or even our own country.


By Alex Shephard



As Donald Trump insisted this week that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy was somehow responsible for his own country being invaded by Russia, and accused him of being a “dictator” responsible for “millions” of unnecessary deaths, even Vladimir Putin likely couldn’t believe what he was hearing. For three years, the Russian leader—who, unlike the democratically elected Zelenskiy, is an actual dictator—has been spouting similar disinformation to justify his invasion of a sovereign nation. Putin also has held stubbornly to his wild demands, despite the war having long been mired in a stalemate.



Secular Talk

Feb. 21, 2025





60 Minutes

Feb. 23, 2025


Justice Department purge under Trump administration


President Trump says his administration is cleaning up a Justice Department corrupted by politics. Amid the firings and resignations, one leader described a workplace of “confusion” and “fear.”




Feb. 23, 2025


Fareed’s Take: Trump’s foreign policy yes men


CNN’s Fareed Zakaria discusses President Donald Trump’s strategy for ending the war in Ukraine, Trump’s disdain for Ukraine, and more on his show, “GPS.” #CNN #News



60 Minutes

Feb. 24, 2025


CFPB, the consumer watchdog agency, 

under fire by President Trump, DOGE


The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, a watchdog agency created to protect consumers, is under fire by President Trump and DOGE. Its new head ordered work to stop and funding to end.





Feb. 24, 2025


Trump humiliated on the world stage as France’s 

Macron instantly corrects his Ukraine lie


Lawrence O’Donnell details how French President Macron humiliated Donald Trump after the United States, for the first time in history, “voted with the dictator against freedom” when it stood with Vladimir Putin in opposing a UN resolution condemning Russia’s war in Ukraine. For more context and news coverage of the most important stories of our day click here:



Principles First

Feb. 25, 2025


Adam Kinzinger: Don’t Be Afraid


This panel was held at the 2025 Principles First Summit, featuring former Congressman Adam Kinzinger, hosted by former Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer.



Political X

Feb. 25, 2025


Did Russia Recruit Trump as a Russian spy in 1987?


For decades, Donald Trump has cozied up to Russia, praised Vladimir Putin, and attacked America’s closest allies. But is this just ego—or something far more sinister? From his first Moscow visit in 1987 to his 2024 campaign threats against NATO, this documentary unravels the 40-year connection between Trump and the Kremlin.


 Why did Russian intelligence take an interest in Trump decades ago? Why has he repeatedly sided with Putin over America’s own allies? And is Russia backing Trump’s 2024 campaign—again? 



Kyiv Independent

Feb. 26, 2025


US author explains Donald Trump’s Russia, 

KGB connections


Craig Unger is an American journalist and writer who has written two books on Donald Trump’s connections to Russia’s security services and the Russian mafia stretching all the way back to the 1980s. Unger says he is “absolutely certain” that the U.S. president is a Russian asset whose current actions are benefiting Russian President Vladimir Putin, and destroying relationships with long-time allies.



Congressman Dan Goldman

February 26, 2025


Congressional GOP is ‘Hiding in a Cave’




the 11th Hour

Feb. 26, 2025


‘This is a time for fearless reporting’: 

MeidasTouch tops podcast charts


The hosts of anti-Trump podcast MeidasTouch discuss their show and how it’s beating out conservative podcasts in the charts. Brothers Ben, Brett, and Jordy Meiselas all join Stephanie Ruhle on the 11th Hour for this extended interview.




February 27, 2025


The Billionaires’ Government: Branko Marcetic 

on Trump’s “Complete Betrayal” of His Base


Elon Musk, the world’s richest man, has been the public face of the Trump administration’s effort to dismantle many government agencies and slash the size of the federal workforce. 


On Wednesday, he attended Trump’s first Cabinet meeting, although he is not a Cabinet member. Meanwhile, Russell Vought, the Project 2025 mastermind and director of the White House Office of Management and Budget, has been working behind the scenes to enact far-right policies aimed at privatizing public resources like Medicaid and Social Security. 


We speak with Jacobin staff writer Branko Marcetic to discuss the radical DOGE agenda. “As they make these ruthless, ruthless cuts to the programs that people rely on, … they also want to keep in place massive tax cuts for the rich,” he says.



NPR Morning Edition

February 28, 2025


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is trying to find 

her party’s path back into power.


The New York Democrat is a more seasoned politician than when she burst onto the national scene during the first Trump administration. Elected by surprise in 2018, Ocasio-Cortez was a progressive insurgent, a democratic socialist, a frequent critic of her own party, and a social media sensation. 


She was also a leading character on Fox News, a figure conservatives loved to hate. Seven years later, she remains an outsized public figure, who also has built relationships inside Congress with Democrats and even some Republicans. At 35, she is a veteran lawmaker. 


We sat with Ocasio-Cortez this week just after House Democrats managed a show of unity: they all voted against a Republican budget plan, which barely passed. We talked through her party’s path toward political recovery.




Feb. 28, 2025


The full, on-camera Oval Office CLASH between 

Trump, Vance and Zelenskyy


Ukrainian President Zelenskyy’s meeting with Trump and Vance unravels into an extraordinary shouting match on camera inside the Oval Office. The White House meeting was intended to kick off negotiations over a deal over Ukraine’s rare earth minerals. 


The tense exchange began after Vance said that the path to peace between Russia and Ukraine is diplomacy. Zelenskyy disagreed and said that Russia had broken agreements with his government in the past, including in 2019 when a ceasefire deal was signed and Zelenskyy said Russia didn’t honor the agreement. 


In a social media post after the meeting, Trump said the Ukrainian leader “disrespected” the U.S. in its cherished Oval Office and that Zelenskyy “is not ready for Peace if America is involved.” A scheduled press conference with the two leaders was later cancelled.



The Atlantic

Feb. 28, 2025


It Was an Ambush


Today marked one of the grimmest days in the history of American diplomacy.


By Tom Nichols


Photo of Donald Trump, J. D. Vance, and Volodymyr Zelensky in the Oval Office


Leave aside, if only for a moment, the utter boorishness with which President Donald Trump and Vice President J. D. Vance treated Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky at the White House today. Also leave aside the spectacle of American leaders publicly pummeling a friend as if he were an enemy. All of the ghastliness inflicted on Zelensky today should not obscure the geopolitical reality of what just happened: The president of the United States ambushed a loyal ally, presumably so that he can soon make a deal with the dictator of Russia to sell out a European nation fighting for its very existence.


Trump’s advisers have already declared the meeting a win for “putting America first,” and his apologists will likely spin and rationalize this shameful moment as just a heated conversation—the kind of thing that in Washington-speak used to be called a “frank and candid exchange.” But this meeting reeked of a planned attack, with Trump unloading Russian talking points on Zelensky (such as blaming Ukraine for risking global war), all of it designed to humiliate the Ukrainian leader on national television and give Trump the pretext to do what he has indicated repeatedly he wants to do: side with Russian President Vladimir Putin and bring the war to an end on Russia’s terms. Trump is now reportedly considering the immediate end of all military aid to Ukraine because of Zelensky’s supposed intransigence during the meeting.


Vance’s presence at the White House also suggests that the meeting was a setup. Vance is usually an invisible backbencher in this administration, with few duties other than some occasional trolling of Trump’s critics. (The actual business of furthering Trump’s policies is apparently now Elon Musk’s job.) This time, however, he was brought in to troll not other Americans, but a foreign leader. Marco Rubio—in theory, America’s top diplomat—was also there, but he sat glumly and silently while Vance pontificated like an obnoxious graduate student.


Zelensky objected, as he should have, when the vice president castigated the Ukrainian president for not showing enough personal gratitude to Trump. And then in a moment of immense hypocrisy, Vance told Zelensky that it was “disrespectful for you to come into the Oval Office and try to litigate this in front of the American media.” But baiting Zelensky into fighting in front of the media was likely the plan all along, and Trump and Vance were soon both yelling at Zelensky. (“This is going to be great television,” Trump said during the meeting.) The president at times sounded like a Mafia boss—“You don’t have the cards”; “you’re buried there”—but in the end, he sounded like no one so much as Putin himself as he hollered about “gambling with World War III,” as if starting the biggest war in Europe in nearly a century was Zelensky’s idea.



CBS News

Feb. 28, 2025


Shocked Ukrainians react to bombastic 

Trump-Zelenskyy meeting


Ukrainians are waking up to the news of a tense meeting between their president, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, and President Trump. CBS News’ Imtiaz Tyab has more from Kyiv on the claims of lack of gratitude over U.S. support in the war against Russia.





Feb. 28, 2025


‘Completely selling out to the Kremlin’: 

Lawmaker slams ‘true puppet of Putin’ 



What happens now? Rep. Seth Moulton (D-MA) joins Katy Tur to react to President Trump and Vice President Vance clashing with Ukrainian President Zelenskyy in the Oval Office and to spell out the consequences of this meeting.



PBS NewsHour

Feb. 28, 2025


Brooks and Capehart on the implications 

of Trump’s altercation with Zelenskyy


New York Times columnist David Brooks and Washington Post associate editor Jonathan Capehart join Amna Nawaz to discuss the week in politics, including President Trump’s public spat with Ukrainian President Zelenskyy, if Europe can depend on the U.S. and new restrictions on the White House press corps.



Dr. Russell Razzaque

March 1, 2025


What The Bullying Of Zelensky Reveals About Trump


Trump and JD Vance revealed something profound about themselves when they treated Zelensky the way they did on February 28th 2025 in the Oval Office. A deep-seated aspect of their psychological makeup was shown to the public for the first time in a shocking way. In this video I break it down.


For reference, another broader video I made about the mind of Trump is here:  • Inside Trump’s Mind Bullying Of Zelen…  




March 1, 2025


Trump-Zelenskyy blowup, Rubio ‘should resign’: 

Trump’s First 100 Days – Day 40 | MSNBC Highlights


President Trump, Ukrainian President Zelenskyy and Vice President Vance had a tense exchange about the ongoing war with Russia. National security experts join Nicolle Wallace with reaction to the shocking Oval Office meeting and what it means for Secretary of State Marco Rubio. Plus, a judge ruled the OPM cannot directly fire federal workers at other agencies and that they have to rescind their mass firing memo.




Inside with Jen Psaki

March 2, 2025


Fmr. Russia ambassador shreds Vance over Ukraine:

‘Why in God’s name should Trump get a thank you?’


Former U.S. ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul and David Remnick, editor of the New Yorker and former Moscow correspondent for The Washington Post discuss the potentially disastrous consequences of Trump’s Oval Office meeting with Zelenskyy.





March 2, 2025


‘Sick to my stomach’: Fmr. Gov. Kasich slams 

Trump over combative Zelenskyy exchange


Reactions are still flying in over the abrupt end to Ukrainian President Zelenskyy’s visit to the White House last week. Zelenskyy attended a summit of European leaders in London on Sunday. 


Former Governor John Kasich (R-OH) and former Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs Chris Meagher share their thoughts on Friday’s Oval Office meeting and the unexpected support from GOP lawmakers President Trump has received so far.




March 3, 2025


‘A disaster for U.S. national security’: 

Senator reacts to Oval Office meeting


Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., joins Morning Joe to discuss the Oval Office meeting between President Trump and Ukrainian President Zelenskyy.




March 2, 2025


Even US SHOCKED by UK, EU and Turkey’s 

Surprise Bold Move for Ukraine



The Mirror

March 3, 2025


IN FULL: Keir Starmer speech at 

emergency summit of European Leaders


Keir Starmer: ‘It is time to act’ to defend the West at Defence Summit.


Sir Keir Starmer has set out what was agreed at Sunday’s summit on Ukraine. Speaking at a press conference in Lancaster House, the Prime Minister said that “any deal must be backed by strength”.




March 3, 2025


Zelenskyy enacts true diplomacy as the GOP scrambles


As House Speaker Mike Johnson and Senator Lindsey Graham suggested Zelenskyy should resign if he doesn’t bend the knee to Trump, Zelenskyy was in Europe trying to negotiate real deals to save his country. The U.S. still needs to back any plan Europe puts forward, but his diplomacy shows that the Trump administration still can’t handle having a normal meeting or coming up with a decent foreign policy agenda. 


MSNBC’s Ayman Mohyeldin discusses with Rick Wilson, the co-founder of The Lincoln Project and Democratic strategist Ameshia Cross.



The Telegraph

March 3, 2025


Trump biographer Michael Wolff: The president “is a moron and a genius”


It’s been a seismic weekend in global politics with nothing less than the future of European security at stake. 


Amid the fallout of Donald Trump and JD Vance’s shouting match with Volodymyr Zelensky in the Oval Office on Friday, Keir Starmer hosted a summit of international leaders and seemed to pull off a delicate balancing act as a conduit between the American and Ukrainian presidents. 


Whether Starmer and French president Emmanuel Macron’s plan for a “coalition of the willing” to lead the defence of a post-war Ukraine is feasible very much remains to be seen – especially without American air cover. 


Few know Trump better than his biographer Michael Wolff, who is in the Daily T studio to mark the publication of his latest book All or Nothing: How Trump Recaptured America (dismissed as “totally FAKE” by Trump). Wolff gives Kamal and Camilla his take on the thinking of a man he describes as “both a moron and a genius”.



The Daily Show

March 3, 2025


Matthew Desmond – “Poverty, by America” & What 

It Takes to Close the Poverty Gap


“Investing in American people and stabilizing communities that need it the most is the best way for all of us.” Sociologist at Princeton University and Pulitzer Prize-winning author of Evicted, Matthew Desmond sits down with Jon Stewart to discuss his latest book, Poverty, by America. 


They talk about America’s welfare state, how society benefits from poverty, the opportunity to close the poverty gap if the top one percent paid their taxes, and empowering the poor with better choices like building worker power, and expanding housing choice. They also highlight how Democrats need to get more serious about economic justice to fully commit to poverty abolitionism.





Articles on Donald Trump





No More Trump


Sustained resistance to the Traitorous Mister Trump, 

his clones, and his MAGATS.



Mother Jones

March+April 2025 Issue


Warning to Whistleblowers: “We Are Back in the 

Days of the Red Scare”


 Lessons from the lawyer of the whistleblower 

who prompted Trump’s first impeachment


By Abby Vesoulis


Government employees who report possible malfeasance are almost certain to be targeted by the second Trump administration. Mark Zaid is a lawyer likely to represent some of them; over the past two decades, he has provided legal counsel to a long list of federal employees and intelligence officers, including whistleblowers.


His most high-profile whistleblower case, however, was that of the intelligence officer who reported to an inspector general that then-President Donald Trump pressed Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to find political dirt on his presidential rival. While dangling military aid to Ukraine that Congress already had approved, Trump asked Zelenskyy to investigate the family of Joe Biden, a leading Democratic contender to face Trump in 2020. This whistleblower’s 2019 report led to Trump’s first impeachment case.



The Atlantic

March 3, 2025





The billionaire handled his ownership admirably for more than a decade. But his courage failed him when he needed it most.


By Martin Baron


THE DAY THE WORLD LEARNED that Jeff Bezos would buy The Washington Post, the Amazon founder offered assurances that he would not cower when faced with threats from a vengeful president and his appointees.


He summoned memories of Richard Nixon’s attorney general, John Mitchell, who warned that the legendary publisher Katharine Graham was “gonna get her tit caught in a big fat wringer” if the Post published one of its Watergate stories. “While I hope no one ever threatens to put one of my body parts through a wringer,” Bezos wrote to the paper’s anxious journalists in August 2013, “if they do, thanks to Mrs. Graham’s example, I’ll be ready.”


I led the newsroom at the time Bezos bought the Post. For a long while, he fulfilled his promise to the paper and its readers, exceeding my expectations. Then he faltered badly.


Now we know that Bezos is no Katharine Graham. It has been sad and unnerving to watch Bezos fall so terribly short of her standard as he confronts the return of Donald Trump to the White House. It’s been infuriating to observe the damage he has inflicted in recent months on the reputation of a newspaper whose investigative reporting has served as a bulwark against Trump’s most transgressive impulses.




“You’re Fired!” by Barry Blitt








Every New Yorker post.



NBC News

March 4, 2025


American Bar Association backs ‘rule of law’

after Musk calls for judges to be impeached


“There are clear choices facing our profession,” the ABA said in a statement.


By Ryan J. Reilly


The American Bar Association this week rejected attacks on the court system and the legal profession, after billionaire Elon Musk used his X platform to call for the impeachment of judges who have overruled or delayed aspects of President Donald Trump’s moves to overhaul the federal government.


The ABA said in a statement that it would “not stay silent in the face of efforts to remake the legal profession into something that rewards those who agree with the government and punishes those who do not,” calling for an end to efforts meant to “cow our country’s judges, our country’s courts and our legal profession” and saying that such attempts at intimidation “cannot be sanctioned or normalized.”


Trump attacked judges whose decisions he disagreed with during his first term in office, as well as some of the judges who oversaw the four criminal cases against him during the intervening four years away from the White House.


Now, with Trump back in the Oval Office and Republicans in control of both the House and Senate, the federal judiciary has paused or overturned some of the most aggressive measures implemented by Trump and Musk, who has repeatedly urged the impeachment of judges who held up Trump’s measures.


“We are witnessing an attempted coup of American democracy by radical left activists posing as judges!” Musk wrote on Feb. 11.


“There need to be some repercussions above ZERO for judges who make truly terrible decisions,” Musk added.


“When judges egregiously undermine the democratic will of the people, they must be fired or democracy dies!” Musk wrote on Feb. 25.


“The only way to restore rule of the people in America is to impeach judges,” Musk added.


When a judge blocked a Trump order that paused refugee admissions, Musk posted that the judge was “violating the will of the people.”


“If ANY judge ANYWHERE can block EVERY Presidential order EVERYWHERE, we do NOT have democracy, we have TYRANNY of the JUDICIARY,” Musk posted.


The nonpartisan ABA did not explicitly name Musk in its statement, instead broadly noting, “High-ranking government officials (appointed and elected) have made repeated calls for the impeachment of judges who issue opinions with which the government does not agree.” The ABA cited two phrases — “corrupt judges” and “corruption” — that were used by or reposted by Musk and noted that those criticisms had been aimed only at judges who ruled against the government.



NBC News

March 4, 2025


Analysis of President Trump’s joint address to Congress


After President Donald Trump wrapped up his joint address to Congress, Meet the Press moderator Kristen Welker and NBC News’ correspondents analyzed the most memorable moments of the night.  


For more context and news coverage of the most important stories of our day, click here:



electron media group inc.

March 4, 2025


Bernie Responds to Trump’s State of the Union Address



The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

March 4, 2025


“Let’s Be Clear: Tariffs Are A Tax”


Former Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg joins Stephen Colbert LIVE following President Trump’s address to Congress, and breaks down the real economic consequences of Trump’s tariffs on foreign goods. Stick around for two more segments with Pete Buttigieg: 


2On Trump’s Foreign Policy Flip: “Helping Russia And Fighting Canada. It’s Upside Down.” 


3On How Democrats (And Republicans) Can Resist Trump’s Authoritarianism




March 4, 2025


Watch Trudeau speak directly to Trump during 

blistering speech


Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau outlined how his country will respond to the blanket 25 percent tariffs President Trump imposed on Canada and Mexico.




Jan. 13, 2025


“Yankee, Go Home!” – Canadian Anti-Trump Song




Feb. 14, 2025


“Not Your 51st”

(U.S. Marines’ Hymn Parody)


This song is a bold and ironic remake of the U.S. Marine Hymn, turning a patriotic American anthem into a defiant Canadian protest song against Donald Trump’s tariffs and threats of annexation. Originally repurposed as a pro-Trump campaign song in 2016, we’ve flipped the script—using the same tune to reject his trade war tactics and his suggestion that Canada could become the 51st state. 


With themes of Canadian independence and sovereignty, the lyrics push back against economic intimidation and political arrogance, making it clear that Canada will never bow to pressure or threats. The song celebrates the strength, resilience, and freedom of the True North, standing firm against those who try to undermine it.



Just a Canadian

Feb. 28, 2025


“MAGA Man”

(A Neil Young Parody – Canada Ain’t Your 51st State)


Canada has always been a good friend to America—but that doesn’t mean we’ll roll over. With some in the U.S. floating the idea of annexation, this is a Canadian response to the madness. Inspired by Neil Young’s “Southern Man,” this parody, “MAGA Man,” calls out the chaos, corruption, and threats to democracy south of the border.


From culture wars to economic deception, from the Felon in Chief to your failing empire, it’s time to wake up, America—and leave Canada out of it. 


I am by no means a professional, just an amateur who loves music and a good protest song. I can only hope Neil Young doesn’t mind—because let’s be real, I could never do it as well as him. Apologies in advance for that! If you love Canada, Neil Young, satire, or just a good protest song, hit like, and share! Let’s keep the true north strong and free.



Parody Project

Jan. 29, 2024


“Battle Hymn Of The Trumpublic” – God Made a Dictator



Parody Project

Oct. 13, 2024


“Song For Donald”



Founders Sing

Feb. 6, 2020


“The Day Democracy Died”



Shirley Serban

Premiered Dec. 5, 2020


  “So Long, Farewell Donald Trump”



Shirley Serban

August 12, 2024


“How Do You Solve A Problem Like A MAGA?”



Marsh Family

July 20, 2024


“Vance VP”



Marsh Family

Oct. 28, 2024


“Bohemian Trumpsody”



Marsh Family

March 1, 2025


“Puppets on a Kremlin String?”



Amanpour & Co.

March 5, 2025


Rep. Moulton Reacts to Trump’s Speech to Congress: 

“It Doesn’t Make Sense”


In his address to a joint session of Congress on Tuesday night, President Trump acknowledged that there will be “a little disturbance” ahead. The theme was meant to be “Renewal of the American Dream,” but instead Trump doubled down on his plan to break up the global economic order. America must now deal with a possible trade war as well as Russia’s war in Ukraine. 


While he acknowledged President Zelensky’s efforts to repair their relationship, Trump made no mention of reversing his suspension of U.S. military aid. One of the attendees at last night’s address was Democratic Congressman Seth Moulton. He joins the show from Washington, D.C.




March 5, 2025


‘Buffoon of a president’: Trump exposes ignorance 

of U.S. farming in speech to Congress


Michelle Norris, MSNBC senior contributing editor, joins an MSNBC panel to discuss the effects of Donald Trump’s trade war and tariffs on American farmers and the degree to which Donald Trump does not appear to understand the necessity of foreign markets for U.S. agriculture.



Jimmy Kimmel Live

March 5, 2025


Republicans Slobber Over Trump Address, 

He Lies About Transgender Mice & 

We Hire a Fired Fed Worker




ALL IN with Chris Hayes

March 5, 2025


Trump is coming for Social Security. 

And he has a new ‘Big Lie’ to justify it.


Trump’s lies about the 2020 election had a purpose: to destroy faith in the electoral system and overthrow American democracy. Now he’s revamping same lies and false claims of “fraud” to destroy Social Security.




March 6, 2025


Canadian official’s interview stuns Amanpour


Canadian Foreign Minister MĂŠlanie Joly talks to CNN’s Christiane Amanpour about Trump’s ideas on trade, military cooperation, annexation and more.



The Weekly Show with Jon Stewart

March 6, 2025


Jon Stewart & Maria Ressa 

on the US’s Authoritarian Slide


Nobel Peace Prize winner and Rappler CEO Maria Ressa joins Jon to discuss the decline of democracy in the U.S. and the Philippines, the misuse of digital platforms, global shifts, ways to protect American democracy, and slicing deli meat—specifically salami.



Senator Chris Murphy

March 6, 2025


Six Weeks In, This White House Is On Its Way 

To Being The Most Corrupt In U.S. History


WASHINGTON—U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) on Thursday spoke on the U.S. Senate floor to expose the unprecedented corruption of the Trump administration’s first six weeks in office. Murphy condemned Trump’s normalization of pay-to-play politics, where billionaire donors dictate policy and taxpayer money is funneled into the pockets of the president, Elon Musk, and the corporate elite.







News about Donald Trump, including commentary and archival coverage from Salon, the original online source for news and politics.





March 10, 2025


Rep. Mark Pocan: ‘people are pissed’ that 

Republicans are fleeing town halls


Republicans have complete control in Washington… and yet, they’re running away from their voters. As angry constituents continue to confront Republicans over Trump’s policies, GOP leaders are urging lawmakers to stop doing town halls altogether. But while Republicans hide from their constituents, Democrats are reaching out across the country to voters even in GOP-led areas.


 MSNBC’s Ayman Mohyeldin spoke with Rep. Mark Pocan on how Democrats are talking to voters impacted by Trump and Elon Musk’s cuts and whether this is the beginning of a new movement.



Psychology Today

July 31, 2019

Updated May 21, 2024




When people with personality disorders gain power.


By Steve Taylor, Ph.D., a senior lecturer in psychology at Leeds Beckett University. He is the author of several best-selling books, including The Leap and Spiritual Science.


The Polish psychologist Andrew Lobaczewski spent his early life suffering under the Nazi occupation of Poland, closely followed by the brutality of Soviet occupation after the war. His experience of these horrors led Lobaczewski to develop the concept of “pathocracy.” This is when individuals with personality disorders (particularly psychopathy) occupy positions of power. (1)


Lobaczewski devoted his life to studying human evil, a field which he called “ponerology.” He wanted to understand why ‘evil’ people seem to prosper, while so many good and moral people struggle to succeed. He wanted to understand why people with psychological disorders so easily rise to positions of power and take over the governments of countries. Since he was living under a “pathocratic” regime himself, he took great risks studying this topic. He was arrested and tortured by the Polish authorities, and was unable to publish his life’s work, the book Political Ponerology, until he escaped to the United States during the 1980s.


Pathocracy is arguably one of the biggest problems in the history of the human race. History has been a saga of constant conflict and brutality, with groups of people fighting against one another over territory and power and possessions, and conquering and killing one another. Surveying the course of human history from ancient times to the 20th century, the historian Arnold Toynbee spoke about the “horrifying sense of sin manifest in human affairs.”


But there is an argument that this is not because all human beings are inherently brutal and cruel, but because a small number of people—that is, those with personality disorders—are brutal and cruel, intensely self-centered, and lacking in empathy. This small minority has always held power and managed to order or influence the majority to commit atrocities on their behalf.





A Science on the Nature of Evil

Adjusted for Political Purposes